【摘 要】 依据《黄帝内经》和《伤寒论》所揭示的生命原理和辨证思想,参考现代相关文献,结合临床案例,探讨少阳证痤疮的发病规律,旨在丰富和完善痤疮经络辨证施治的内容。【关键词】 少阳证;痤疮;辨证;治疗
【中图分类号】R249 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2018)07-0059-02
Abstract:According to the principle of life and the thought of syndrome differentiation revealed in The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine and Treatise on Febrile Diseases, and referring to modern relevant literature, combined with clinical cases, this paper discusses the pathogenesis of shaoyang syndrome of acne, in order to enrich and improve the content of differentiation of syndromes of meridian of acne.
Keywords:Shaoyang Syndrome; Acne;Syndrome Diferentiation;Treatment
少阳证痤疮 ......
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