【摘 要】 总结了许芝银教授治疗乳腺癌术后的方法及临床经验,认为乳腺癌术后的基本病机是气阴两虚,冲任失调,余毒未尽,临床治疗以扶助正气为主,兼以祛除癌毒、活血化瘀等方法综合治疗。【关键词】 乳腺癌术后;许芝银;临床经验
【中图分类号】R249.2/.7 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2020)1-0067-03
Abstract:The methods and clinical experience of professor XU Zhi-yin for treatment of breast cancer were summarized. It is believed that the basic pathogenesis after breast cancer surgery is deficiency of both qi and Yin, imbalance of chong and ren, and incomplete residual virus. Clinical treatment mainly AIDS zhengqi ......
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