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http://www.100md.com 2020年4月15日 《中国民族民间医药·上半月》 202008
     【摘 要】 介绍吴洪波教授对于“风”性咳嗽的中医治疗经验,认为风邪犯肺为风咳的主要病机,针对该类咳嗽自拟验方“风嗽饮”,治以疏风宣肺、利咽止咳、润肺止痒,疗效颇佳,为临床运用中药治疗该病提供借鉴。

    【关键词】 风嗽饮;風咳;风

    【中图分类号】R256 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2020)15-0069-02

    Abstract:This paper introduces professor Wu Hongbos experience in the treatment of “wind cough” in traditional Chinese medicine. It holds that the wind evil invading the lung is the main pathogenesis of wind cough. According to the self-made prescription of this kind of cough,“Fengsou Decoction” has good efficacy in the treatment of Shufeng Xuanfei, Liyan Zhike and Runfei Zhiyang, which provides a broader idea for the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of this disease.

    Keywords:Fengsou Decoction;Wind Cough;Wind

    临床上有一大类主症表现为“咽痒即咳 ......

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