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http://www.100md.com 2020年5月1日 《中国民族民间医药·上半月》 202009
     【摘 要】 直肠癌术后综合征是低位直肠癌手术后常见的症状,曹波教授运用从脾胃着手、治病求本、利小便实大便的理论治疗本病,临床疗效较好,值得借鉴。

    【关键词】 直肠癌术后综合征;五苓散;验案举隅

    【中图分类号】R249.2/.7 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2020)17-0085-02

    Abstract:Postoperative syndrome for rectal cancer is a common symptom after surgery for low rectal cancer, Professor Cao Bo treats this disease with the theory of treatment aiming at its pathogenesis and regulating the spleen and stomach ,the method of urination and solid stool, which achieve good clinical results,and recommended.

    Key words:Postoperative Syndrome of Rectal Cancer; Wulingsan;The Examination of Cases

    随着直肠癌手术技术及理念的不断提高 ......

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