With a Little Help From My Friends Sanford J.Brown(著)There was nothing really unusual about the Monday morning call from a patient’s wife, except the complaint."Dr. Brown" Louise said, "Herbie hurt himself at work last Friday and he won’t come in to see you." "What did he do?" I asked. "He slipped off his rack at the tire shop and landed, well, on a sensitive spot," she responded."Do you mean on his testicles?" I said, trying to make it easier for her. "Just behind them" she said, "and he’s been having a hard time urinating all weekend." I wasn’t sure what was going on, but thought Herbie should be seen. "I have an 11:30 am opening. Can you get him here?" "We’ll be there," she said.
The story was a little more involved. After sustaining his saddle injury, Herbie noticed blood staining his underwear. He was able to void only with great difficulty and his urine was pink. At his next appointment, his urine had cleared but it still tested heme-positive. His bladder also felt full. "How long does it take you to pee?" I asked him. "About 45 minutes" Herbie said. "Give me a minute," I said. "I need to contact my urology consultant." ......
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