摘要:2002-2010年我院消化科以食欲不振,黄疸收入的42例患者最后诊断巨幼红细胞贫血(megaloblastic anemias),经对症治疗后好转。因此类患者多因黄疸待查初诊于消化科,本文就此类患者疾病特点进行分析,提高临床诊断治愈率,减少误诊。关键词:黄疸 巨幼细胞贫血病
Jaundice treats looks up diagnoses the great young cell anemia case of illness to analyze
Wang Limei Wu Ying Liu Lin
Abstract:2002-2010 year my courtyard digestion branch has a poor appetite,the jaundice income 42 example patient finally diagnoses the great young red blood cell anemia (megaloblastic anemias),changes for the better after the just right for the illness treatment.Because therefore a kind of patient many the jaundice treats looks up the first diagnosis in the digestion branch,this article kind of patient disease characteristic carries on the analysis in light of this,enhances the clinical diagnosis cure rate,reduces the error diagnostic.
Keywords:Jaundice Great young cell poor hemopathy
【中图分类号】R683【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2010)11-0124-01
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