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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月25日 《按摩与康复医学》 2010年第33期
     摘要:目的:采用十二导动态心电图仪分析晕厥患者是否有窦性停搏,长R-R间期(>=3.0s)。方法:用动态心电图仪24h记录患者的心电图,根据患者记录头晕、黑蒙、晕厥是否在窦性停搏、长R-R间期有关。结果:共30例患者,A组14例,B组16例。A组窦性心动过缓、窦性停搏(3.1-7.2s);B组:心房颤动,长R-R间期(3.2-6.8s)。 结论:头晕、黑蒙与窦性停搏长R-R间期,有因果关系。

    关键词:动态心电图 晕厥 窦性停搏 长R-R间期

    Dynamic electrocardiogram in to faint clinical practice

    Pan Xiaohua

    Abstract:Objective:Uses 12 leads the dynamic electrocardiogram meter analysis to faint the patient whether has Dou Xingting to wrestle,during long R-R time (>=3.0s).Methods:Records patients electrocardiogram with dynamic electrocardiogram meter 24h,according to the patient recording dizziness,black Mongolia,faints whether wrestles,during long R-R in Dou Xingting the time related.Results:Altogether 30 example patients,A group of 14 examples,B group of 16 examples.A group of Dou heart movement slow,Dou Xingting has wrestled (3.1-7.2s);B group:Atrium tremor,during long R-R time (3.2-6.8s).Conclusion:Is dizzy,black Mongolia and Dou Xingting wrestles during long R-R the time,has the causal relation. ......

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