摘要:脑出血是指非外伤性脑实质的动脉、毛细血管破裂而引起的出血,是中老年的常见病、多发病,其发病急,变化快,严重威胁人类的健康。该病在急性期过后,多数病人留有偏瘫、失语等后遗症,而且康复较慢;另外,由于疾病导致的躯体改变进而影响病人的心理健康。因此在恢复期对病人进行恰当的身心护理,对减少疾病复发,增加抗病能力,减少致残率,促进康复有重要意义。关键词:脑出血病人 恢复期 护理体会
Cerebral hemorrhage patient recovery period nursing experience
Zhao Xianghua
Abstract:Cerebral hemorrhage refers to the hemorrhage which the non-traumatic brain essence the artery,the blood capillary burst cause,is middle and old aged common disease,frequently-occurring disease,its round critically ill,changes quickly,threatens humanitys health seriously.This sickness in the acute stage from now on,the most patients will leave leeway sequelae and so on hemiparalysis,aphasia,moreover will be restored to health slowly;Moreover,because the body which disease causes changes then affects patients psychologically healthy.Therefore carries on appropriate body and mind nursing in the recovery period to the patient,to reduces disease recrudescence,increase disease-resistant ability,reduces cripples rate,the promotion recovery has the vital significance. ......
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