摘要:多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)是一种以中枢神经系统炎性脱髓鞘为主要病理改变的神经系统疾病。其发病机制可能与其自身免疫力降低,病毒感染及遗传、环境有关,是一种反复缓解与加重的疾病。症状一般有可逆性的视力低下,下肢肌力减退,四肢麻木等,如病情发展,除可导致视神经萎缩,截瘫乃至四肢麻痹外,还可能出现呼吸麻痹直接威胁生命,迅速导致死亡。我科2010年05月收治1例多发性硬化合并呼吸肌麻痹患者,经过中西医结合治疗及护理,未出现肺部感染、褥疮等并发症,病情好转出院,现将护理体会报告如下。关键词:多发性硬化呼吸肌麻痹中西医结合 护理
1 example multiple sclerosis merge breathes myo- paralytics cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine treatment nursing experience
Li Caihong Tan Miaoqing Ye Richun
Abstract:Multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis,MS) is one kind inflammatory escapes the myelinic membrane take the central nervous system as main pathology change nervous system disease.If its pathogenesis possible own immunity to reduce,viral infection and heredity,environment related,is one kind of relapse alleviates and the aggravation disease.The symptom has the invertable vision to be low generally,lower limb myo- strength decrease.Four limbs numb and so on,if the condition development,except may cause the optic atrophy,outside paraplegia and even the tetraphigia,but also possibly appears the breath paralysis direct threat life,causes the death rapidly.My branch in May,2010 admits 1 example multiple sclerosis merge to breathe the myo- paralytic,the process the cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine treats and nurses,has not appeared the lungs to infect,complications and so on bedsore,the condition change for the better out of hospital,presently will nurse the experience report as follows. ......
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