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http://www.100md.com 2010年12月15日 袁雄英 黄云



    关键词:微管 人流

    Capillary micro creates the induced abortion clinical observation

    Yuan Xiongying Huang Yun

    Abstract:Objective :The capillary micro creates the induced abortion the observation. Methods :Divides into A,the B two groups to 200 example request termination pregnancy,A group uses the capillary micro to create the induced abortion technique,B group uses traditional the negative pressure attraction technique.After observes two groups of aches,the hemorrhage quantity,the stream of people synthesizes commandeers excites the emotions the situation,the surgery time,the technique the colporrhagia time. Results :The capillary micro creates the stream of people ache to reduce obviously,the surgery time reduces obviously,the induced abortion synthesizes drafts the formation rate to reduce obviously,in the technique bleeds also the obvious reduction.Two groups of comparisons have statistics difference (P<0.05). Conclusion :The capillary micro creates the stream of people to be possible to reduce the technique physiology,the psychological pain.Is one kind of security effective,the simple operation induced abortion method.Is worth promoting.

    Keywords :Capillary Stream of people

    【中图分类号】R45 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2010)12-0100-01


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般情况:选择2009年1月—2009年12月我院门诊自愿要求微管人流者100例为A组,年龄20—42岁,平均30.3±8.76岁孕龄35—50天,孕囊直径小于或等于20mm。孕次1-4次不等,产次0-2次不等。再选择同期在我院要求传统人流者100例为B组。组年龄、孕龄、孕产次方面差异无显著性,具有可比性。两组术前均行血常规、白带常规、B超检查及妇检、体温正常。无人工流产禁忌症。

    1.2 方法:A组:采用微管微创人流术:用一次性组织吸引管连接负压吸引器,手术开始直接将微管徐徐送入宫腔达宫底部,不需扩宫,同时探出宫腔的大小,寻找胚胎着床处进行进行吸引,微管在宫腔内按顺时针或逆时针方向转动,同时进行上下抽动,感到有组织流入微管,感到宫壁有粗糙感时握住连接微管的软管退出,然后清理两侧宫角。术后检查吸出物和出血量。B组:传统的负压吸引术:子宫探宫腔深度,依次扩宫,利用负压400-500mmHg,金属吸引管吸取胚胎组织。

    1.3 疼痛评估:按WHO疼痛分级标准判定:0级:无疼痛,稍感不适。Ⅰ级:轻痛,腰酸腹胀,可忍受。Ⅱ级:明显腰酸痛伴出汗,但可忍受。Ⅲ级:激烈疼痛,不能忍受。

    1.4 临床观察:两组术前、术中均不给任何辅助药物。观察两组术中疼痛程度、人流综合征发生情况、手术时间、术中出血量、阴道出血时间。

    1.5 统计学方法:采用X2检验和t检验。

    2 结果

    2.1 一般情况:两组年龄、体重、孕产次、孕龄差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。见表1。

    2.3 两组术中出血情况比较:两组术中出血量、人流综合征发生情况、手术时间及术后阴道出血比较差异有显著性 ......
