摘要:随着社会的发展,人们生活和工作方式的改变,坐姿劳动人群越来越多,颈腰伤病发病率在不断攀升。从而导致颈椎病的病人越来越多。笔者于2009年1月—2010年5月应用推拿为主配合颈部功能锻炼,治疗颈型颈椎病患者50例,取得满意疗效。关键词:推拿 颈椎病 颈部功能锻炼
Massage coordination pate function exercise treatment neck cervical vertebra to get sick 50 example
Luo Lin
Abstract: Along with societys development,the people live with the working change,the sitting posture work crowd are more and more many,the neck waist wounded and sick disease incidence rate is climbing unceasingly.Thus causes the patient who the cervical vertebra gets sick to be more and more many.The author - May,2010 primarily coordinates the pate function exercise in January,2009 using the massage,the treatment neck cervical vertebra sickness patient 50 examples,obtains the satisfactory curative effect.
Keywords:Massages The cervical vertebra to get sick The pate function exercise
【中图分类号】R244.1 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2010)12-0047-01
随着社会的发展,人们生活和工作方式的改变,坐姿劳动人群越来越多,颈腰伤病发病率在不断攀升 [1] ......
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