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http://www.100md.com 2010年12月15日 独晓燕


     摘要:目的:观察消乳散结胶囊配合健康教育治疗乳腺增生症的疗效及其作用机制。方法: 采用随机,双盲,前瞻性平行对照试验。将968例乳腺增生患者随机分为三组。治疗组:328例,采用消乳散结胶囊治疗配合健康教育;对照1组:320例,采用消乳散结胶囊治疗,对照2组:320例,采用健康教育治疗。三组疗程均为3个月。结果消乳散结胶囊治疗配合健康教育治疗组的临床显效率为92.1%,对照1组显效率为81.8%,对照2组显效率为69.3%,治疗组疗效优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。说明治疗组症状改善优于对照组。结果:①三组乳腺增生患者疗效比较有显著性差异(p>0.05)。②消乳散结胶囊配合健康教育对受试者乳房胀痛、肿块大小、月经、情绪波动、胸胁胀闷、烦躁易怒及身重倦怠等症状均有明显改善,经统计学处理,其差异有显著性意义,说明消乳散结胶囊配合健康教育治疗乳腺增生(肝郁气滞痰凝证)有明显的作用,可有效地提高患者的生存质量。结论:消乳散结胶囊配合健康教育效果确切,对乳腺增生性疾病疗效尤佳,值得临床推广。

    关键词:乳腺增生 消乳散结胶囊 健康教育

    Disappears the breast to relieve congestion the capsule coordination health education treatment mammary gland proliferation sickness 328 example clinical analysis

    Du Xiaoyan

    Abstract:Objective:Observes disappears the breast to relieve congestion the capsule coordination health education treatment mammary gland proliferation sickness curative effect and the function mechanism. Methods:Uses stochastically.Double blind,foresightedness parallel check experiment.Divides into three groups stochastically 968 example mammary gland proliferation patient.Treatment group:328 examples,use disappear the breast to relieve congestion the capsule treatment coordination health education; Compares 1 group:320 examples,use disappear the breast to relieve congestion the capsule treatment,compares 2 groups:320 examples,use the health education treatment.Three groups of treatment courses are 3 months.The result disappears the breast to relieve congestion the capsule treatment coordination health education treatment group clinical to reveal the efficiency is 92.1%,compares 1 group to reveal the efficiency is 81.8%,compares 2 groups to reveal the efficiency is 69.3%,the treatment group curative effect surpasses the control group,the difference has statistics significance (P<0 ......
