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摘要:目的:探讨急性特发性面神经炎用艾灸治疗和护理配合的治疗疗效。方法:选取 2006年7月~2010年12月在我科治疗的急性特发性面神经炎的患者100例随机分为两组,即对照组50例,采用内科常规药物治疗,治疗组50例在内科常规药物治疗的基础上,采用艾灸治疗治疗,并给予适当的护理干预;比较两组疗效。结果:经过3个疗程治愈:治疗组痊愈46例,占92%;显效2例,占4%;有效2例,占4%;无效0例,占0%;总有效率100%。对照组痊愈33例,占66%;显效4例,占8%;有效4例,占8%;无效9例,占18%;总有效率82%。两组之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:急性特发性面神经炎在内科常规药物治疗的基础上,采用艾灸治疗,并给予适当的护理干预的治疗方法,治愈率高,值得临床推广。
关键词:特发性面神经炎 艾灸 护理干预
Analysis the curative effection of moxibustion therapy and nursing intervention on Acute idiopathic facial paralysis
Xia Zhangxiu Zhang yan Shen Liuyan et al.
Abstract:Objective: To explore the curative effection of moxibustion treatment and nursing intervention on acute idiopathic facial paralysis.Methods:100 of Acute idiopathic facial paralysis patients in our hospital during 2006 July to 2010 December were randomly divided into two groups,the treatment group including 50,the congtrol group including 50 ; The two groups were both given internal conventional treatments,And the treatment group plus moxibustion therapy and nursing intervention; Comparing the curative effection between the two groups.Results:After 3 periods of treatment,The treatment group cured 46 (92%),2(4%) effection was remarkable; 2(4%) were effective; 0(0%) was invalid; The total efficiency was 100%;The control group cured 33 (66%),4(8%) effection was remarkable; 4(8%) were effective;9(18%) were invalid; The total efficiency was 82%.There was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion:The treatment of internal conventional treatments joint moxibustion and nursing intervention to cure acute idiopathic facial paralysis is effective and worth to clinical promotion.
Keywords:Ldiopathic facial paralysis Moxibustion Nursing intervention
【中图分类号】R4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-1879(2012)02-0037-02
特发性面神经炎是指面神经非特异性炎症后发生的该神经支配区面部表情肌运动功能障碍。病因可能为面部受风吹、受凉导致局部血管痉挛、缺血、肿胀,易受病毒感染,也可能为感染后神经脱髓鞘,既往多采用传统科常规药物治疗,近几年来我院采用艾灸治疗治疗,进行疗效观察对比,并给予适当的护理干预 ......