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[23] 侯勇,张国梁,黄宝驹.中医药治疗HIV/AIDS临床进展和疗效评价研究进展浅析.中医药临床杂志,2011,11(23):988-991, 百拇医药(马艳华)
[8] Jimenez.Nacher I,Sodano V.Interactions of antiretroviral drugs.AIDS Rev,2007,1(2):116-123
[9] Anglen J,Kyle RF,Marsh JL.Locking plates for extremity fractures[J].JAM Aead Orthop Surg,2009,17(7):465-472
[10] Hmdukewyeh GJ,Rieei W.Locked plating in orthopaedic trallnla:a clinical update[J].JAM Aead Oahop Surg,2008,16(6):347-355
[11] 刘小利,王少杨,翟嵩,等.HAART治疗20例艾滋病患者疗效评估[J].中国艾滋病性病,2008,12(2):101-104
[12] 李群辉,高艳青,孙欣,等.HW/AIDS病人高效抗逆转录病毒治疗效果的临床评价[J].中国艾滋病性病,2008,14(4):354-356
[13] Li JY;Li HP;Li L Prevalence and evaluation of drug resistance HIV-1 variants in Henan,China2008(11/12)
[14] KreRek C,MOiler M,Miclau T.Evolution of minimally invasive plate ostesynthesis(MIPO)in the femur[J].Injtrey,2009,32(Suppl 3):S14-$23
[15] Farouk O.Krettk C.Minimally invasive plate esynthesis[J].Orthop Trauma,2007,14:225
[16] Gautier E,Sommer C.Guidelines for the clinical application ofLCP[J].Injury.2008.34(Suppl 2):B63-1376
[17] Anglen J,Kyle RF,Marsh JL.Locking plates for extremity fractures[J].JAM Aead Orthop Surg,2009,17(7):465-472
[18] Hmdukewyeh GJ,Rieei W.Locked plating in orthopaedic trallnla:a clinical update[J].JAM Aead Oahop Surg,2008,16(6):347-355
[19] Joseph AM,Kumar M,Mitra D(2008)NEF:necessary and enforcing factor in HIV infection.Curr HIV Res3:87-94
[20] Tompa P(2009)Structural disorder in amyloid fibrils:its implication in dynamic interactions of proteins.FEBS J 276:5406-5415
[21] Fade H,Marav iroc T Z Drugs Today(Bare),2007,43(11):749-758
[22] 傅婷婷,倪孟祥.核苷类抗艾滋病药物研发近况.药学进展,2007;31(5):211-216
[23] 侯勇,张国梁,黄宝驹.中医药治疗HIV/AIDS临床进展和疗效评价研究进展浅析.中医药临床杂志,2011,11(23):988-991, 百拇医药(马艳华)