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关键词:带状疱疹 病毒 神经痛 腺苷钴胺 红外偏振光
Therapeutic Effects of Cobamamide Combined with Infrared Polarized Light on Patients with Herpes Zoster Neuralgia
Liu Zhaofeng Jiang Zhen Wang Lihong
Abstract:Objective:To study the therapeutic effects of Cobamamide combined with infrared polarized light on patients with herpes zoster neuralgia.
Methods:62 patients with herpes zoster were divided into 2 groups. 30 cases in control group treated with general drugs. 32 cases in observation group treated with general drugs and Cobamamide combined with infrared polarized light. To record the VAS score before treated and the 7th, 14th, 28th day after treated. To record the days of lesions restoration and pain disappear.
Result:VAS score were declined in two groups, which in observation group declined significantly (P<0.05); The days of lesions restoration and pain disappear were shortened in two groups. The days of pain disappear in observation group shortened significantly (P<0.05); The total efficiency of observation group were higher than control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion:Cobamamide for injection combined with infrared polarized light have exact therapeutic effects on patients with herpes zoster and neuralgia, major in the fact of lesions restoration and pain controlled.
Keywords:Herpes zoster Virus; neuralgia Cobamamide Infrared polarized light
【中图分类号】R-3 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2012)09-0209-02
带状疱疹(herpes zoster,HZ)是由水痘一带状疱疹病毒(varicella zoster virus,VZV)引起的一种以剧烈疼痛为特征的疾病,春秋季节好发,多发于老年人及免疫力低下者。药物治疗通常以抗病毒、营养神经、镇痛为主要手段。笔者在工作实践中除了以上用药外,采用腺苷钴胺配方局部注射和红外偏振光照射治疗带状疱疹神经痛取得比较好的疗效,报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料。选取2010年8月~2011年10月在本单位康复科和皮肤科就诊,并且确诊为初次急性带状疱疹伴有神经痛[1]的患者62例。男23例,女39例。年龄24~71岁,平均47.6±10.3岁。发病至就诊最短1天,最长13天,平均3.2±1.7天。其中疱疹发于头面部3例,发于胸背腰腹48例,发于四肢11例。62例随机分成对照组30例和观察组32例,从治疗第1天开始,所有患者随访1个月。
1.2 材料与方法。注射用腺苷钴胺1mg/支(国药准字H20045993,哈尔滨三联药业有限公司);ZX-801型电脑疼痛治疗仪(郑州市中星医疗设备有限公司)。
对照组采用常规药物治疗:泛昔洛韦片0.8g/次, 5次/d,连服7天;洛芬待因片1片(200mg)/次,4次/天,连服7天;维生素B110mg,3次/d,连服1月;维生素B120.5mg,3次/d,连服1月。
观察组在常规用药基础上,采用腺苷钴胺配方(0.9%氯化钠3ml + 2%利多卡因3ml + 注射用腺苷钴胺1mg)局部注射联合红外偏振光局部照射。注射部位:沿被侵犯神经走行每次选择4~6个点,其中一个点做相应神经阻滞,注药2ml,其余每个点注药0.5~1ml。每天1次,连续10天。偏振光照射:对头面部带状疱疹行星状神经节照射,用集射头B,选择模式3(照射1秒停3秒),功率设定7W,时间设定10分钟;对胸背腰腹及四肢带状疱疹,用集射头A,对准神经根或干、痛点、疱疹区等,每次4~6个点。选择模式2(照射2秒停2秒),功率设定15W,每个点照射5分钟。每天1次,连续10天。