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摘要: 目的:了解广西壮族近视人群角膜中央厚度、眼压、角膜曲率等特征,并与同一地区汉族近 视人群进行比较,了解壮族、汉族人群眼部数据有无差异。方法:连续记录测量499例99 0眼壮族及772例1538眼汉族近视眼患者角膜中央厚度、眼压、角膜曲率、屈光度及年龄 、性别,并进行分析。结果:壮族人群平均角膜中央厚度(CCT)为(533.23±29.63)μm, 男性 为(537.04±29.33)μm,女性为(529.56±29.66)μm;平均眼压值(IOP)(15.86±2.45)mm Hg,男 女分别为(15.94±2.67)mmHg和(15.71±2.45)mmHg;平均角膜曲率(keratometry)为(43.3 5±1.16)D, 男、女性分别为(42.99±1.30)D和(43.91±1.38)D。男性CCT明显较女性厚,父母亲均为 壮族者 角膜中央厚度较父母亲一方为壮族者要薄。与汉族人群相比,壮族人群CCT较汉族人群薄约1 0μm(t=5.893,P=0.000)。结论:壮族近视人群 角膜中央厚度和眼压测量值较汉族人低,临床诊治和行角膜屈光手术时应予注意。
中图分类号: R772.2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1008-2409(2008)05-0916-04
Clinical study on central corneal thickness ofmyopia patient in Zhuang Ethnic/ZHU Liang-yong, HE Zi-li, YUAN Mu-zhi,et a l.∥Department o f Ophthalmology, The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, L iuzhou 545005, China
Abstract: Objective:To study central corneal thickness (CCT), refractive stat us, keratometry and intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements on Myopia patientsof Zhuang Ethnic people and to search for possible associations between CCT andpatient’s Ethnic, age, sex, and comparison with Han Ethnic people. Methods: 49 9 cases(990 eyes) of Zhuang and 772 cases (1538 eyes) of Han patients with myopia wereincluded in the study. Patient’s age, sex, CCT, refractive status, keratometry,and IOP were obtained together with Ethnic of the patients and their parents. M ain outcome measures were CCT measurements and relationship between CCT and pati ent’s Ethnic. Results: The CCT,IOP,keratometry of Zhuang Ethnic were (533.23 ±2 9.63)μm,(15.86±2.45)mmHg and (43.35±1.16)D.Patients of Zhuang Ethnic had sta tisti cally significantly thinner corneas than patients of Han Ethnic (533.23±29.63) μ m vs (544.53±32.58)μm(t=5.893,P=0.000). Patients of Zhuang Ethnic had s tatisti cally significantly lower IOP than patients of Han Ethnic (P=0.016). No diff erences were found when comparing age, sex, refractive status, and keratometry.Conclusions: This is the first work in reporting CCT in people of Zhuang Ethnic.Patients of Zhuang Ethnic had thinner corneas and lower IOP than patientsof Han Ethnic. Studies from similar populations are needed to confirm our resul ts. Key words:myopia; central corneal thickness; Zhuang Ethnic
近视人群角膜中央厚度的测量国内外已有诸多报道,但对特定民族人群角膜厚度进行 测量分析国内尚未见有报道。笔者旨在分析广西壮族近视眼患者的角膜中央厚度、角膜曲 率、眼压值及屈光度等特征,并与同一地区汉族近视人群进行比较,为角膜屈光手术及其它 眼科疾病诊治提供参考。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
连续选取在本院行准分子激光角膜屈光手术的近视眼患者共1271例2528眼,年 龄 18~43岁,平均(23.74±5.44)岁。其中男性688例1366眼,女性583例1162眼。戴软性角膜 接 触镜者停戴2周,戴硬性角膜接触镜者停戴4周。排除标准:角膜或眼球外伤史、手术史患者 ;角膜地形图显示圆锥角膜或可疑圆锥角膜者;裂隙灯检查为角膜营养不良者。
1.2 方法
所有检查由2名经过专业培训人员负责,入选者均记录性别、年龄、民 族 及父母亲民族,检查角膜中央厚度、角膜曲率、非接触眼压、电脑验光及视网膜检影。角膜 厚度测量采用TOMEY SP-100(日本)超声角膜测厚仪,角膜超声声速为1640m/s;检查时患 者取坐位,0.1%倍诺喜滴眼表麻后平视前方,分别测量双眼的角膜中央部5次,取最小值为 角膜中央厚度数值。屈光度用TOPCON KR-8800(日本)自动验光仪检查,复方托吡卡胺充 分 扩瞳后每只眼连测3次,取自动生成综合屈光值,视网膜检影确认。角膜曲率采用Shin-Nip pon CT-1000(日本)角膜地形图仪检测,分别记录最大和最小曲率取平均值。非接触眼压 使用NIDEK NT-2000(日本)非接触眼压测量仪进行,患者取坐位,调整头部高度,头正位 ,消除颈部受压因素,连续测量3次取平均值。
1.3 统计学处理
数据处理采用SPSS 12.0 for windows进行统计分析,P<0.05为差异 有显著性,采用t检验。, 百拇医药(朱良勇 贺自力 袁牧之 陈凤莲 张鸿敏)