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[摘要]目的:使用膨体聚四氟乙烯(e-PTFE)植入阴茎体远端,增粗阴茎体、改善性生活和减轻性心理压力。方法:使用条状e-PTFE材料,体积0.5cm×1.5 cm×6.5cm雕刻成“C”形植入阴茎远端白膜表面。结果:从1998年12月~2006年12月共完成43例。阴茎体远端直径平均增加7~9mm,性生活有不同程度的改善。其中2例就医者因切口感染造成手术失败。结论:阴茎部分增粗能够改善就医者的性生活,减轻就医者的性心理压力。
Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) implantation used in phallus augmentation
CHENG Kai-xiang,LIU Yang,XIE Yun
(Department of Plastic and Reconstructive, Shanghai No.9 People's Hospital, Shanghai 200011, China)
Abstract:ObjectiveImplant e-PTFE to the distal part of phallus to augment the phallus and ameliorate sexual life quality.MethodsA strip-shaped e-PTFE sized 0.5cm×1.5cm×6.5cm was sculptured into 'C' shape and was implanted to the distal part of phallus at the superficial layer of tunica albuginea ......