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Efficacy and safety of Pixel laser for melasma
XU Yang, WANG Dan-dan, YANG Rong-ya
(Department of Dermatology, General Hospital of Beijing Military Region, Beijing 100125, China)
Abstract: Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of Pixel Laser for melasma. MethodsWe treated 72 patients with Pixel laser.Three to five sessions were performed at an interval of 3~4weeks.Efficacy and safety were evaluated after each session by doctors and patients.ResultsAmong the 72 patients,17 patients (23.61%) were cured,18 patients(25.0%) were remarkably improved.35 patients(48.61%)were effective. The rates of "cured" and "remarkably improved"were 45.45% and 36.36% among patients with the mild group and 5.13% and 15.38% among patients with the severe group (P<0.05). In patients with a disease history of less than 2 years, effective rate was 68.42%, which was significantly better than the treatment results of patients with a disease history of more than 2 years (P<0.05).Only mild pigmentation was found in 21 patients, which were disappeared after 3 months.ConclusionsPixel laser can be used to treat patients with melasma safely and effectively. The patients of light brown and shorter disease course of melasma achieve better effect.
Key words:Pixel laser; melasma; efficacy; safety
1 对象和方法
1.1研究对象:共72例黄褐斑患者,均为Ⅲ 、Ⅳ型皮肤,其中男9例,女63例,年龄23~51岁,平均31.7岁。病程3月~14年,其中2年以内19例,2年以上53例。按皮损颜色分为轻度组33例和重度组39例,浅褐色为轻度,主要病理分型为表皮型,灰色和深褐色为重度,病理分型表现为真皮型和混合型。色斑以颧部、面颊、鼻背部为主,对称分布,有的甚至泛发全面部。
1.2 纳入标准:符合2003年中国中西医结合学会制定的《黄褐斑的临床诊断和疗效判定标准》[1],即:①面部淡褐色至深褐色,界限清楚的斑片,通常对称性分布,无炎症表现及鳞屑;②无明显自觉症状;③女性多发,主要发生于青春期后;④病情可有季节性,常夏重冬轻;⑤排除其他疾病引起的色素沉着 ......