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[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1008-6455(2010)08-1200-02
Comparison of the rate of bond failure between patients treated with self-ligating brackets and conventional straight wire brackets
LI Li-guo,YUAN Dong-hui
(Department of Stomatology,The Bethune Internation Peace Hospital,Shijiazhuang 050082,Hebei,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo compare the rate of bond failure between patients treated with self-ligating brackets and conventional straight wire brackets.MethodsA total of 120 patients were selected, including 74 males and 66 females.60 cases were treated with self-ligating brackets,while the other 60 cases were treated with conventional straight wire brackets. The rate of bond failure during 6 months was recorded.ResultsThere was no statistically significant difference between the rate of bond failure of self-ligating brackets and conventional straight wire brackets(P>0.05).The rate of bond failure between the first three months was higher than the second three months, there was no statistically significant difference(P>0.05).Posterior teeth had higher failure rate than anterior teeth, madibular posterior teeth had higher failure rate than maxillary,there wasstatistically significant difference(P<0.01).ConclusionThere is no significant difference between the rate of bond failure of two kinds of brackets, and different failure rate at different location and time.
Key words:self-ligating bracket;conventional straight wire bracket;the rate of bond failure
1.2.1 德国非凡公司Quick自锁托槽,国产金属网底直丝弓托槽,国产京津釉质粘合剂。
1.2.2 托槽的粘结方法:用开口器撑开上下唇,充分暴露操作区。常规清洁牙面,酸蚀60s,清水冲洗牙面并吹干,此时牙面呈白垩色,取京津釉质粘结剂,等量AB两液调匀,涂布于牙面,将等量AB两糊剂调匀,放置在托槽底部,托槽就位,去除多余粘结剂。
1.2.3 复查:从粘结托槽之日起,每次复诊时记录托槽脱落例数,脱落例数包括同一牙位脱落后再粘结、再次脱落的例数 ......