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[中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2010)10-1421-03
Application of gluteus maximus muscle-adipofascial turnover flap in the repairment of sacrococcygeal decubitus ulcers
LIANG Wei-zhong1,ZHAO Zuo-jun1,AI Hong-mei1,WANG Cong-feng1,YAN Ying-jun1,ZHOU Zheng2
(1.Department of Plastic Surgery,Beijing Meitan General Hospital,Beijing 100028,China;2. Department of General Surgery,Beijing Meitan General Hospital,Beijing 100028,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo study the clinical effect of gluteus maximus muscle-adipofascial turnover flap in the treatment of sacrococcygeal decubitus ulcers.MethodsFrom August 2007 to January 2010,18 cases of sacrococcygeal decubitus ulcers were repaired by gluteus maximus muscle-adipofascial turnover flap. The area of flaps ranged from 5cm×6cm to 7cm×8cm. The wound is then closed with direct polymerizing suture.ResultsOverall, 88% of the flaps (16 of 18) healed primarily.Two patients had early postoperative complications, including wound infection and hematoma. All of these wounds healed with dressing change.Recurrence rate of the study is 5.6 percent.ConclusionGluteus maximus muscle-adipofascial turnover flap with rich blood supply and high survival percent was a high efficiency approach for filling dead space in repairing sacrococcygeal decubitus ulcers. This method has effect on preventing recurrence of decubitus ulcers after operation.
Key words:gluteus maximus muscle-adipofascial flap;decubitus ulcers;repair
本组18例,男10例,女8例,年龄50~67 岁,平均年龄60岁。病程3个月~1年,病灶部位均为骶尾部。病因:截瘫9例,骨折长期卧床3例,脑血管疾病6例。血红蛋白在60~80g/L,白蛋白在30~35g/L,全部褥疮为III~IV度,溃疡创面深达骨质且合并感染,创面面积4cm×4cm~5cm×7cm。该组患者均为术前采用多种保守方法治疗褥疮,未见有病灶好转的病例,10例术前曾发生发热反应等症状,给予物理降温及相关抗生素后症状改善。
2.1 术前准备:根据患者身体状况,术前适当给予加强营养,改善贫血和低蛋白血症等措施 ......