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GC GRADIA DIRECT光固化复合树脂修复切缘缺损疗效观察
http://www.100md.com 2010年10月1日 张 璐,周 天,王 敏,孙 华,牟 婧


     [摘要]目的:应用GC GRADIA DIRECT光固化复合树脂修复切缘缺损观察病例的疗效。方法:将189颗切缘缺损牙齿应用GC GRADIA DIRECT光固化复合树脂进行修复,并经过2年的随访观察。结果:应用GC GRADIA DIRECT光固化复合树脂进行修复切缘缺损成功率为97.88%。结论:GC GRADIA DIRECT光固化纳米混合型复合树脂模仿自然牙体散射和漫反射的光学原理,实现“隐形”修复(变色龙效果)。同时具有良好的粘结性能,高抗压强度,良好光泽度和抛光性,长期稳定性强等特点。因此GC GRADIA DIRECT光固化复合树脂是修复前牙各类牙体缺损的理想材料。

    [关键词]GC GRADIA DIREC光固化复合树脂;纳米混合型复合树脂;切缘缺损

    [中图分类号]R783 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2010)10-1539-02

    Clinical effects of GC GRADIA DIREC light-curing composite resins for restoring the incisal edge defects

    ZHANG Lu,ZHOU Tian,WANG Min,SUN Hu,MO Jing

    (Department of stomatology in Section 2,Lintong Sanatorium,Lanzhou Military Area Command,Xi'an 710060,Shaanxi,China)

    Abstract: Objective To evaluate clinical effects of GC GRADIA DIREC light-curing composite resins for restoring the incisal edge defects.Methods189 teeth with incisal edge defects were restored with applying GC GRADIA DIREC light-curing composite resins. And curial effects were evaluated by observing all the cases two years later after the treatment. ResultsThe success rate of GC GRADIA DIREC light-curing composite resins for incisal edge defects is 97.88%. ConclusionGC GRADIA DIREC light-curing nano-hybrid composite resins can simulate the optics principle of scattering and diffuse reflection of the natural teeth and obtain "invisible" restoration (Chameleon effects).They also provide good bond behavior,high compressive Strength,favorable gloss and polishing,and excellent long-term stability.GC GRADIA DIREC light-curing composite resins are ideal materials for restorations of various incisor defects.

    Key words:GC GRADIA DIREC light-curing composite resins, nano- hybrid composite resins, incisal edge defects

    在临床中牙体切缘缺损的病例较为多见,在2年多的时间里,我科使用GC GRADIA DIREC光固化复合树脂修复不同程度的牙体切缘缺损患牙,均达到理想的修复效果。


    1.1 临床资料:门诊126例患者189颗不同程度切缘缺损的患牙,经检查均为活髓牙,无牙髓炎、根尖周炎及牙周病等情况。男77例,女112例,年龄18~65岁。

    1.2 材料:日本产GC GRADIA DIREC光固化复合树脂、粘结剂、酸蚀剂;德国产Calcimol LC护髓衬垫材料;美国产登士柏75型光固化机;自攻自断螺纹钉;上海齿科材料厂生产的0.6mm钢丝。

    1.3 修复方法:清洁牙面,去净腐质,磨除病损周围牙体组织,使修复体和牙面形成自然和谐的衔接面,增加修复体的固位性。



    1.3.3 对于伴随牙釉质发育不全或四环素牙切缘缺损的牙齿则根据病情进行修复,对唇面切端病损且破坏面积较小者即可备洞树脂充填,而对破坏面积较大者在治疗前需磨去唇面釉质0 ......
