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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 赖劲东,杨娟




    [中图分类号]R758.73+4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2011)03-0450-03

    Comparing the therapeutic effect of oral doxycycline, topical tretinoin and their combination therapy in treatment of rosacea

    LAI Jin-dong,YANG Juan

    (Department of Dermatology,The Fist People's Hospital,Suining 62900,Sichuan,China)

    Abstract:Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect and security of oral doxycycline, topical tretinoin and their combination therapy in treatment of rosacea.Methods60 patients who suffered rosacea were randomly divided into three groups:the oral Doxycycline treatment group,topical tretinoin cream treatment groupand their combination treatment group. We compared the changes in the number of inflammatory lesions,erythema scores and the severity of telangiectasia before and after the treatment.ResultsAfter 12 weeks of treatment,we found thatthe therapeutic effect of combination group was better than the other two groups(P<0.05), and a considerable therapeutic effect was achieved in both doxycycline group and tretinoin group(P>0.05).there were only 5 cases involved in transient and minor adverse effect.ConclusionsExcellent therapeutic effect with mild and transient adverse could be achieved by oral doxycycline and topical tretinoin, and their combination therapy was better, but they had no improvement in telangiectasia.

    Key words:rosacea;Doxycycline;tretinoin;drug therapy



    1.1 临床资料:患者为我院皮肤科就诊者,按照NRSEC所给出的标准[1]确诊为酒渣鼻的患者共60例。纳入标准:患者在20岁以上,未治疗或之前的治疗已停4周,自愿口服多西环素和/或维A酸霜治疗,面部炎症损害数>10处。排除标准:有其他皮肤病,已知对实验用药过敏,激素依赖性酒渣鼻,怀孕或哺乳患者,伴随有肿瘤疾病、感染性疾病,目前正使用会对试验有影响的药物(有血管扩张作用的药、β受体阻滞剂、抗凝药等)。

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