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http://www.100md.com 2011年5月1日 唐新辉,赵正杰,李晓东




    [中图分类号]R655.8[文献标示码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2011)05-0717-0

    Correction of tubular breast deformity using breast augmentation and glandular flap fastening

    TANG Xin-hui,ZHAO Zheng-jie,LI Xiao-dong

    (Dongguan Myfun Aesthetic ﹠Plastic Hospital,Dongguan 523008,Guangdong,China)

    Abstract: Objective To introduce a new methodology for surgical treatment of tubular breast deformity accompanying with mammarydysplasia by using breast augmentation and glandular flap fastening. Methods Through the inferolateral breast fold incision, the underside of mammary gland was cut open in a radial pattern. Four glandular flaps were formed and fastened to pectoralis major fascia. The silicon gel breast implants were implanted subpectoral plane. Results3 cases of tubular breast deformity accompanying with mammarydysplasia were performed the operation using this method during 2002.1 to 2010.12. There were no complications related to surgery such as hematoma, infection, nipple-alveolar complex necrosis. Postoperative follow-up for 1~3 years showed that satisfactory results were achieved, such as pretty breast shape, correction of breast deformity and normal sense of nipple areola. Conclusion Breast augmentation and fastening of glandular flap were performed at the same time in the method .This an ideal operation for tubular breast deformity accompanying with mammarydysplasia.

    Key words: tubular breast; glandular flap;breast prosthesis





    2.1 术前设计:站立位设计新的乳房下皱襞线,根据患者个体差异,其最低点位于第5或第6肋骨表面。在此新的乳房下皱襞线上设计弧形手术切口,长约5~6cm ......
