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[中图分类号]R622 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2011)06-0914-02
Clinic application of skin soft tissue expansion in cosmetic repair of facial tissue defects
ZHAO Zhi-li,GU Ting-min,SUI Zhi-fu,LI Li,SHI Cheng-fang,CHANG Dong-qing,YANG Rong-ya
(Laser & Aesthetic Surgery Center,Dermatology Institute,General Hospital of Beijing Military Command, Beijing 100125,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical value of facial cutaneous lesions by capacity tissue expansion.MethodsWe designed and made the expanding flap according to the different characteristics and requirements of the 32 patients during the first period of their treatment. During the second period, we cut away the damaged skin and used the skill of expanding flap to repair the damaged part.ResultsThirty in 32 cases underwent successful expanded flap correction of defects after skin lesion removing, with maximal defect being 7cm by 10cm in size. All of the patients obtained less scar which are not obviously seen, restored good function, the result is satisfactory.ConclusionSkin expansion is a good choice for correction of defects due to facial cutaneous lesion removing. Splitting skin grafting and sequential skin expansion are necessary when defect is too large to correct or expanded flap is not large enough. The application of expanding the skin of the face make the part to close more to the effect of the normal state after repaired.
Key words:skin soft tissue expansion; facial tissue defect; flap; repair operation
1.1 一般资料:2005年3月~2010年11月,我科对32例面积较大的面部皮肤缺损进行软组织扩张手术修复,其中男14例,女18例,年龄10~55岁,瘢痕18例,色素痣7例,血管瘤5例,疣状痣2例。平均皮肤缺损面积20.2cm2,扩张最大面积达70cm2。同时埋置4个扩张器1例,同时埋置3个扩张器3例,同时埋置2个扩张器14例 ......