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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 袁冰峰,俞珊,何惠珍




    [中图分类号]R758.73+3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2011)06-1004-02

    Clinical observation on glycolic acid peeling combined with traditional Chinese medicine decoction oral in the treatment of acne

    YUAN Bing-feng,YU Shan,HE Hui-zhen

    (Department of Plastic Surgery,Jiangyin Hospital of Chinese Medicine,Jiangyin214400,Jiangsu,China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of glycolic acid peeling combined with traditional Chinese medicine decoction oral in the treatment of acne.MethodsNinety patients with acne were randomly divided into treatment group (glycolic acid peeling combined with traditional Chinese medicine oral ) and control group (glycolic acid peeling only).The glycolic acids with 20% concentrations were applied to treat the patients for four months once a month.The decoctions of traditional Chinese medicine were taken one dose every day and changed by the patients'conditions.One course included three months of treatment. ResultsThe effective rate in the treatment group was 84.44%,which is significantly higher than that of 63.33% in the control group.Irritation,erythema,itch,burning,tighten were observed in or after the treatment of glycolic acid peeling but disappeared automatically about a week.Conclusion Glycolic acid peeling combined with traditional Chinese medicine decoction oral is proved to be an effective and safety modality in the treatment of acne,and is worth to be promoted.

    Key words:glycolic acid;traditional Chinese medicine;acne



    1.1 临床资料:本组90例痤疮患者均来自本科门诊,男21例,女69例,年龄17~37岁。痤疮分度根据轻重采用4级分类法[1],其中Ⅰ度痤疮患者22例、Ⅱ度痤疮患者42例、Ⅲ度痤疮患者26例,而Ⅳ度痤疮患者予以剔除。将90例患者随机分成两组:治疗组(果酸联合中药治疗)45例,对照组(单纯果酸治疗)45例。

    1.2 治疗方法

    1.2.1果酸治疗:治疗前同患者沟通、告知相关事宜并签知情同意书、照相等;清洁面部或痤疮部位,在有皮肤破损处、上下唇线、嘴角、鼻和眼及眼周等皱褶部位,涂抹凡士林予以保护;而后,按照果酸操作使用手册推荐步骤,将总量不超过2ml、浓度为20%的果酸溶液在30~60s内完成面部或痤疮部位的涂抹。首次果酸在面部或痤疮部位停留时间2~3min,以后可根据患者治疗时的反应适当延长时间至5~10min。中和果酸后可使用冰的纱布覆盖于治疗区域,以减轻烧灼或者刺痛的感觉。我们坚持使用同一浓度(20%)溶液进行治疗 ......
