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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月1日 肖调立 田道法 刘刚





    Aesthetic repair of nose trauma with plastic skills and principles

    XIAO Tiao-li1,2,TIAN Dao-fa1,LIU Gang3

    (1.Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Hunan,Changsha 410007,Hunan,China;2.Department of Plastic and Cosmetic, the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province; 3.Department of Otolaryngology, the Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province)

    Abstract:Objective To sum up the clinical experience with the repair procedures of nose trauma by use of the skills of aesthetic and plastics based on a clinical trial.MethodsAesthetic and plastic principles and skills were used to repair nose trauma among 107 cases in their entire repairing course on the basis of professional level in this field. Then, these patients were followed up for 0.5 to 3.5 years to give corresponding treatment procedures for followed sequence in case of necessary to obtain the most ideal outcomes.ResultsAll the 107 cases were seen with the results of stage Ⅰrepairing operation. Among the 62 patients received a following up period lasted for 0.5 to 3.5 years, 61 (98.4%) were reached at an ideal long-term effect of repairing surgery, only 3 received a secondary repairing operation.ConclusionsAesthetic and plastic skills are the effective procedures to reconstruct the normal external nose for cases with nasal trauma, and it is worthy to be promoted into clinical practice.

    Key words:nose trauma; repair skills; aesthetic and plastic procedures; long-term therapeutic effect



    1.1 一般资料:本组患者共计107例,其中男性52例,女性55例;年龄5月~72岁,中位年龄12岁,其中5月~12岁患者55例,占51.4%。所有患者均为外鼻皮肤破裂伤,部分患者合并鼻骨或鼻软骨骨折。致伤原因包括跌碰伤76例,切割伤10例,玻璃划伤7例,挫擦伤8例,拳击伤4例,咬伤2例。107例患者中,15例合并鼻骨骨折,12例合并大翼软骨或(和)鼻中隔软骨断裂,2例合并内眦韧带断裂和鼻泪管断裂,2例鼻外伤严重,外鼻接近离断。

    1.2 处理方法:接诊患者后,综合判断其伤情及合并症的情况,进行必要的检查,如鼻骨等骨折需行CT三维重建等,然后进行鼻外伤的相关处理。按损伤程度不同,我们将鼻外伤分为3类进行处理。

    1.2.1 单纯鼻部皮肤软组织挫裂伤:此类鼻外伤患者均在门诊手术室局麻下进行手术。先用生理盐水洗净伤口周围污物、血块,然后络合碘消毒、铺无菌巾单,沿创口边缘正常皮肤进针,注射含肾上腺素(1:20万单位)的0.5%~0.75%利多卡因溶液;麻醉成功后,用3%过氧化氢、0.9%氯化钠溶液清洗创口污物、血迹至干净。清理伤口时,务必将异物彻底清除,伤口皮肤等组织有坏死者(坏死皮肤一般成暗灰色或黑色,失去弹性),应将其去除;边缘不整齐者,应仔细修整。彻底止血后,按美容整形手术原则,准确而又严密地分层对合,6-0~7-0美容线间断缝合,尽量将伤口张力分散至真皮层以下,使表皮层实现无张力缝合 ......
