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[中图分类号]R783 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1008-6455(2011)09-1437-03
Applications experiences of clinical operation standard of porcelain fused metal crown
(Department of Dental,Shandong Wanjie Medical School,Zibo 255213,Shandong,China)
Abstract:Objective Lay down the clinical quality criterion of the restoration of porcelain fused metal crown, and evaluate the clinical effect. MethodsTo track and observe the cases of 120 restoration of porcelain fused metal crown during January 2005 to January 2006.The evaluating indicator should base on the following elements:the circumstance of restoration,the health of abutment,the statue of periodontium,and the satisfaction of patients.Then,we evaluated the effect of success on the clinical quality criterion of the restoration of porcelain fused metal crown. Results During the period of observation,4 worst-cases have been recorded,among which 1 front dental corona and 3 are back dental corona.All these took a 3.3% among restorations.ConclusionThe clinical quality criterion of the restoration of porcelain fused metal crown is a sort of developed restoration method.All criterions and routine operation procedures must be carried out strictly in order to insure a high percentage restoration.
Key words:porcelain fused to metal crown;restoration;complication
金属烤瓷修复体于20世纪50年代在美国首次用于临床,取得了很好的修复效果,在世界范围内不断推广。随着国民经济及人们审美水平的提高,近20年来,金属烤瓷修复体开始在我国应用,并得到了迅速发展,已成为大多数患者固定修复的首选修复体。烤瓷冠之所以能作为一项成熟的技术,在于其较好的修复效果,较低的失败率。国外报道10年的失败率为2%~5%。国内的观察不容乐观,上海九院对本院烤瓷冠修复10年的一项调查表明,失败率为8%。其中瓷层剥脱或折裂占修复体失败率总数的59%,脱落约占修复体失败总数的20%,继发龋、牙龈炎各占2%,牙髓炎占7%。胡洁观察了148例修复时间为0~4年失败病例, 其中牙龈炎占39%。薛同银观察115例患者156件修复体在修复后3个月~5年临床症状和影响,其中发生牙龈及牙周炎23例,占20%,牙龈变色20例,占17.4%,牙龈萎缩16例,占13.9%,冠边缘不密合13例,占11.3%。从以上报道可以看出,我国的烤瓷失败率远高于国际水平。笔者认为这与临床操作标准把握不严有密切的关系。本研究在制定临床操作标准的同时,观察了按操作标准制作的120颗金属烤瓷冠5年的效果观察,旨在探索严格标准操作下金属烤瓷冠的中长期成功率。
1.2.1比色:牙体预备前比色板分区比色。牙体预备后比牙本质色。比色时,比色板要与牙唇面在同一平面,同时用单反相机、微距镜头(90、100、105)、环形闪光灯记录 ......