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[中图分类号]R783 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)01-0118-03
Comparison of the rate of bond failure and periodontal condition between self-ligating brackets and conventiornl brackets
(Department of Orthodontics Dentistry,the First Affiliated Hospital of Liuzhou Medical College,Liuzhou 545002,Guangxi,China)
Abstract: Objective To compare the rate of bond failure and periodontal condition between the use of self-ligating brackets and conventional brackets. Methods 30 patients(13 to 18 years old)were divided into 2 groups(trial group:15 patients with self-ligating brackets and controlgroup:15 patients with conventional brackets).The rate of bond failure was recorded in both group in six months.Periodontal indices(PLI,GI and SBI) were examined in both groups before and after 6 months of treatment. Results No difference in failure incidence was noted for self-ligating brackets and conventional brackets(P>0.05).No difference was found in the indices recorded between the two bracket cohorts studied. Conclusion Self-ligating brackets did not have an advantage over conventiorml brackets with respect to the rate of bond failure and the periodontal status.
Key words:self-ligating bracket;conventional bracket;failure rate;periodontal health
1 材料和方法
1.1 研究对象:回顾分析我院口腔科自2009年1月~2010年10月正畸治疗患者30例(男13例,女17例),年龄13~18岁,平均15岁。按矫治器的类型为实验组(15例)和对照组(15例)。实验组:使用Damon3自锁托槽矫治器;对照组:使用MBT托槽矫治器。纳入标准:①所有入选病例均为无先天牙缺失的非拔牙矫治;②牙冠表面釉质完好,无四环素牙,无氟斑牙;③矫治前各项牙周指数在正常值范围内。
1.2 材料:Damon3自锁托槽矫治器(Ormco公司,美国),MBT金属托槽矫治器(3M Unitek),光固化复合树脂(Transbond XT, 3M);37%磷酸酸蚀剂(Scotchbond,3M)。
1.3 托槽粘结方法:常规清洁隔湿牙面,37%磷酸酸蚀剂酸蚀20s,然后冲洗、吹干,涂粘结剂,将Transbond XT置于托槽基底, 调整托槽位置,使托槽底面与牙面均匀接触,压紧托槽,去除多余的复合树脂,光固化灯光照20s。
1.4 检测指标及方法
1.4.1牙周指数检测牙位及位点[2]:4颗下切牙的近中唇面、远中唇面及唇面正中。检测指标[3]:①菌斑指数(plaque index,PLI) ......