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[中图分类号]R622 Q813.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)02-0244-03
Experimental and clinical analysis of chin augmentation with mandibular bone
TANG Xiao-jun,ZHANG Zhi-yong,NIU Feng,YU Bing,LUO Jin-chao,GUI lai
(Department of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery,Plastic Surgery Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100144,China)
Abstract: Objective The aim was to study the feasibility of the chin augmentation with the bone from the mandible angle osteotomy. Methods Two parts were including in the article. The first part was animal experiment. The chinese miniatrue pigs were performed the operations of mandible angle osteotomy. The mandibular angle bone was transplanted freely on the pig's mental fixed with titanium nail. After the procedure, the effects were assessed by three dimensional computerized tomography. The second part was the applications in clinique. 46 patients were obtained the operations of the mandible angle osteotomy and chin augmentation with the bone from the mandibular bone. The patients were followed up and checked by X-ray. Results The bones grafted were absorbed totally in animal experiments. Over 50% resorption of the free bone grafts took place in 73.9% of the patients in clinic. Conclusions From the animal experiment and experience in clinic, we consider that the chin augmentation with free bone grafts from mandible angle osteotomy need to be performed prudently.
Key words:chin augmentation;mandibular angle;resorption;free grafting
1 动物实验
1.1 实验动物:试验用6~8个月中国小型猪(北京农业大学实验动物中)3个。体重20~30kg,雌雄各半。麻醉为速眠新(军事医学科学院军事兽医研究所研制)0.08~0.1ml/kg,配合盐酸氯胺酮注射液(福建古田药业有限公司生产)0.16~0.2ml/kg肌肉注射麻醉。
1.2 实验过程:取下颌下缘切口,逐层暴露至骨面。在下颌角区内、外侧面的骨膜下向上离断肌肉附着,约在下颌神经管下方平行神经管做直线形截骨(图1)。截除骨质仔细保留备用。在猪颏部正中联合部位的龈颊沟处切开粘骨膜,骨膜下剥离显露骨性颏部,将下颌角区截除骨质仔细打磨至适合形状和大小,植于颏部并用钛钉固定(图2)。庆大盐水冲洗 ......