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[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)02-0287-02
151 cases of malocclusion in patients with β angle measurement and analysis
ZHU Xiao-hong,LIU Jie,WANG Pei-jun,HAN Jing-ying
(Department of Orthodontics,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin University,Harbin 150086,Heilongjiang,China)
Abstract: Objective The purpose of this study was to introduce a cephalometric measurement,named the βangle,to assess the sagittal relationship between maxilla and mandible with accuracy and reproducibility. Methods One hundred and fifty-one pre-treatment cephalometric radiographs of patients between the age of 11 and 20 years were selected.They were again subdivided into Classes I,II,and III groups on ANB angle and Wits appraisal.The mean and the SD for the β angle were calculated.Next,the differences between genders were analyzed.Finally,using the one-way analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls test,we compared the data with those three groups. Results The cephalometric standard values with normal occlusion were established. Moreover,three groups was distinctly in statistic(P<0.05).There existed no statistically significant differences between genders. Conclusion The β angle was developed as a method to evaluate the sagittal jaw relationship.
Key words:β angle;malocclusion;sagittal discrepancy;cephalometrics
1 资料和方法
1.1研究对象:随机选择 2005~2011年在哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院口腔正畸科就诊的11~20周岁患者280例,无正颌外科史、外伤史、正畸治疗史。
1.2.1 β角的定义:使用了3个头影测量中常用的骨性标志点:A点:上齿槽座点;B点:下齿槽座点;C点:髁状突中心点。定义3条线:连接A、B、C,过A点向BC线做垂线,BC与AD夹角为β角(如图1)。
1.2.2 所有患者均由同一口腔放射科技师在同一台头颅定位仪X线射线机上拍摄头颅侧位片。笔者在一段连续时间内对所有X线片进行X线头影测量。按照以下进行分组:①安氏Ⅰ类67例(男29例,女38例)。需符合直面型:0°
1.3统计学分析:采用Spss 16.0软件包得出安氏3种错牙合类型β值的平均值和标准差,进行t检验及相关分析,检查不同错牙合类型之间以及不同性别β值的是否存在显著差异性 ......