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http://www.100md.com 2014年11月15日 中国美容医学2014年第22期


    [中图分类号]R655.8 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2014)22-1861-04

    Clinical application of round block technique combined with two"V"shaped resection in breast hypertrophy

    GAN Xue-wen,SHI Zhi-yan,ZHU Sai-ling,QIU Ji-jun,BO Hong-bing

    (Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Center,the 181st Hospital of P.L.A.,Guilin 514002,Guangxi,China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical application of round block technique combined with two"V"shaped resection in breast hypertrophy. Methods Two circular incisions were designed and the nipples were located in the center. The epidermis between the two circular was removed. Two "V"shaped breast flap should be designed upward and downward according to the situation of breast hypertrophy. The breast tissue was excised as "V"shape and the incisions were sutured. The edge of dermis cap and breast basal fascia were fixed to the pectoralis major fascia. Drainage tube was indwellinged. We sutured the deeper dermis continuously along the inner side of the outer circular and placed interrupted sutures in the incision of skin. Results All cases recoverd without necrosis, fat liquefaction, hematoma, infection or hypertrophic scar after 3 to 18 months follow-up. The scars were not obvious and the breasts were in symmetrical shape.The founction of the nerves of nipples and areola was normal. Conclusion It's clinically satisfied for the advantages of simplicity,indistinction of scar and the retainment of founction.

    Key words: round block technique;two"V"shaped resection;breast hypertrophy


    1 临床资料


    2 手术方法

    2.1双环形切口设计:受术者取站立位,双上肢自然下垂,以乳头中心为圆心,以2.0~2.5cm 为半径画圆,此范围即为术后的乳晕范围,此画线为双环的内环。用手将下垂的乳房托起至水平位,于第4肋间水平距胸骨中线7~8cm处定点为内侧点,沿此水平线向外侧延伸定点外侧点,两点距乳头距离相等,从乳房下皱襞中点向乳头方向6~8cm处标记下端点,从第二肋间乳房上界中点向乳头方向6~8cm处标记为上端点,四点弧形连接便是双环切口的外环,外环可根据乳房肥大和下垂的具体情况,灵活设计呈圆形或椭圆形等形状(图2A、2B)。 (甘学文等)
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