[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0006-03
Clinical Efficacy of Combined Transconjunctival and Transcutaneous Approach for Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
, 百拇医药
QIN Gao-ping,SONG Yong,ZHANG Zhen-xin
(Department of Burn Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery,Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital,Xi’an 710068,Shaanxi,China)
Abstract: Objective To analysis and discuss the effect and clinical complications of the combined transconjunctival and transcutaneous approach for blephamoplasty. Methods From October 2014 to August 2017, 56 cases were treated by transconjunctival and transcutaneous combined lower eyelid blephamoplasty. The patients treated by transconjunctival incision, removal of orbital fat tissue. Then, treated by transcutaneous incision, to blunt or sharp isolate use liposuction tube, tighten the skin of lower eyelid relaxation, such as muscle and orbital septum relaxation, giving tighten operation. Results The operation was successful, and the complications occurred in two cases, and the effect was satisfactory after the treatment. Conclusion The approach which combined transconjunctival and transcutaneous is a simple and easy operation, with small trauma and satisfactory effect. It is a good way to improve the tail grain of the eye, and it is an ideal method for the treatment of lower eyelid blephamoplasty.
, 百拇医药
key words: blepharoplasty; transconjunctival; transcutaneous; transconjunctival and transcutaneous combination; crow's feet
1 临床资料
, http://www.100md.com
2 手术方法
2.1 内路法:翻转下睑,下穹窿结膜下浸润麻醉后,距睑板缘2~3mm处切开结膜1~1.2cm,睑板拉钩牵引,用直血管钳分离切缘结膜,可见浅黄色眶脂肪膨出,剪开脂肪外膜,轻柔按压眼球,去除膨出的眶隔脂肪并仔细止血,注意内侧眶隔脂肪团一般会有2~4条细小血管,一定要严格止血。对合好睑结膜,无需缝合结膜切口,将下睑翻回复位。
2.2 外路法:外路法通常分为两种情况:
2.2.1 下睑皮肤松弛较轻微患者,在皮下行肿胀麻醉,沿外眦角弧度向鱼尾纹方向延伸作一长约1~1.5cm切口,用直径0.5mm吸脂管在皮下与眼轮匝肌表面之间做钝锐性结合剥离,剥离范围下至下眶缘,内侧至内眦外0.3cm,外侧至鱼尾纹边缘,上至睑缘下0.3cm。其目的主要是为了将已经形成的眼周皱纹进行皮下剥离,使眼周皮肤重新分布,并通过皮下创伤愈合达到收紧眼周皮肤的效果。剥离完毕后收紧眼轮匝肌,切除外眦部多余皮肤,创缘对合整齐,间断缝合皮肤。, http://www.100md.com(秦高平 宋勇 张振信)
[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0006-03
Clinical Efficacy of Combined Transconjunctival and Transcutaneous Approach for Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
, 百拇医药
QIN Gao-ping,SONG Yong,ZHANG Zhen-xin
(Department of Burn Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery,Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital,Xi’an 710068,Shaanxi,China)
Abstract: Objective To analysis and discuss the effect and clinical complications of the combined transconjunctival and transcutaneous approach for blephamoplasty. Methods From October 2014 to August 2017, 56 cases were treated by transconjunctival and transcutaneous combined lower eyelid blephamoplasty. The patients treated by transconjunctival incision, removal of orbital fat tissue. Then, treated by transcutaneous incision, to blunt or sharp isolate use liposuction tube, tighten the skin of lower eyelid relaxation, such as muscle and orbital septum relaxation, giving tighten operation. Results The operation was successful, and the complications occurred in two cases, and the effect was satisfactory after the treatment. Conclusion The approach which combined transconjunctival and transcutaneous is a simple and easy operation, with small trauma and satisfactory effect. It is a good way to improve the tail grain of the eye, and it is an ideal method for the treatment of lower eyelid blephamoplasty.
, 百拇医药
key words: blepharoplasty; transconjunctival; transcutaneous; transconjunctival and transcutaneous combination; crow's feet
1 临床资料
, http://www.100md.com
2 手术方法
2.1 内路法:翻转下睑,下穹窿结膜下浸润麻醉后,距睑板缘2~3mm处切开结膜1~1.2cm,睑板拉钩牵引,用直血管钳分离切缘结膜,可见浅黄色眶脂肪膨出,剪开脂肪外膜,轻柔按压眼球,去除膨出的眶隔脂肪并仔细止血,注意内侧眶隔脂肪团一般会有2~4条细小血管,一定要严格止血。对合好睑结膜,无需缝合结膜切口,将下睑翻回复位。
2.2 外路法:外路法通常分为两种情况:
2.2.1 下睑皮肤松弛较轻微患者,在皮下行肿胀麻醉,沿外眦角弧度向鱼尾纹方向延伸作一长约1~1.5cm切口,用直径0.5mm吸脂管在皮下与眼轮匝肌表面之间做钝锐性结合剥离,剥离范围下至下眶缘,内侧至内眦外0.3cm,外侧至鱼尾纹边缘,上至睑缘下0.3cm。其目的主要是为了将已经形成的眼周皱纹进行皮下剥离,使眼周皮肤重新分布,并通过皮下创伤愈合达到收紧眼周皮肤的效果。剥离完毕后收紧眼轮匝肌,切除外眦部多余皮肤,创缘对合整齐,间断缝合皮肤。, http://www.100md.com(秦高平 宋勇 张振信)