, 百拇医药
[1]Labban N,Al-Otaibi H,Alayed A,et al.Assessment of the influence of gender and skin color on the preference of tooth shade in Saudi population[J].Saudi Dent J,2017,29(3):102-110.
[2]Deng L,Xu S.Adaptation of human skin color in various populations[J].Hereditas,2017,15(1):1.
[3]Beleza S,Johnson NA,Candille SI,et al. Genetic architecture of skin and eye color in an african-european admixed population[J].PLoS Genet,2013,9(3):e1003372.
, 百拇医药
[4] Gasparik C,Tofan A,Culic C.Influence of light source and clinical experience on shade matching[J].Clujul Med,2014,87(1):30-33.
[5] Penczek J,Boynton PA,Jolene D.Color error in the digital camera image capture process[J].J Digit Imaging,2014,27(2):182-191.
[7] Murase D,Hachiya A,Fullenkamp R,et al.Variation in Hsp70-1A expression contributes to skin color diversity[J].J Invest Dermatol,2016,136(8):1681-1691.
, http://www.100md.com
[8]Yoshida-Amano Y,Hachiya A,Ohuchi A,et al.Essential Role of RAB27A in Determining Constitutive Human Skin Color[J].PLoS One,2012,7(7):e41160.
[9]Tiosano D,Audi L,Climer S,et al.Latitudinal Clines of the Human Vitamin D Receptor and Skin Color Genes[J].G3(Bethesda),2016,6(5):1251-1266.
[10]Cuevas AG,Dawson BA,Williams DR.Race and Skin Color in Latino Health: An Analytic Review[J].Am J Public Health,2016,106(12):2131-2136.
, 百拇医药
[11]Firooz A,Zartab H,Sadr B,et al.Daytime Changes of Skin Biophysical Characteristics: A Study of Hydration, Transepidermal Water Loss, pH, Sebum, Elasticity, Erythema,and Color Index on Middle Eastern Skin[J].Indian Dermatol,2016,61(6):700.
[13]Sommers M,Beacham B,Baker R,et al.Intra- and inter-rater reliability of digital image analysis for skin color measurement[J].Skin Res Technol,2013,19(4):484-491.
[14]Vadavadagi SV,Kumari KV,Choudhury GK,et al.Prevalence of Tooth Shade and its Correlation with Skin Colour - A Cross-sectional Study[J].J Clin Diagn Res,2016,10(2):72-74., 百拇医药(热甫卡提·地力毛拉提 古孜努尔·阿巴斯 李春霞 热孜万·克衣木 孙大磊)
, 百拇医药
[1]Labban N,Al-Otaibi H,Alayed A,et al.Assessment of the influence of gender and skin color on the preference of tooth shade in Saudi population[J].Saudi Dent J,2017,29(3):102-110.
[2]Deng L,Xu S.Adaptation of human skin color in various populations[J].Hereditas,2017,15(1):1.
[3]Beleza S,Johnson NA,Candille SI,et al. Genetic architecture of skin and eye color in an african-european admixed population[J].PLoS Genet,2013,9(3):e1003372.
, 百拇医药
[4] Gasparik C,Tofan A,Culic C.Influence of light source and clinical experience on shade matching[J].Clujul Med,2014,87(1):30-33.
[5] Penczek J,Boynton PA,Jolene D.Color error in the digital camera image capture process[J].J Digit Imaging,2014,27(2):182-191.
[7] Murase D,Hachiya A,Fullenkamp R,et al.Variation in Hsp70-1A expression contributes to skin color diversity[J].J Invest Dermatol,2016,136(8):1681-1691.
, http://www.100md.com
[8]Yoshida-Amano Y,Hachiya A,Ohuchi A,et al.Essential Role of RAB27A in Determining Constitutive Human Skin Color[J].PLoS One,2012,7(7):e41160.
[9]Tiosano D,Audi L,Climer S,et al.Latitudinal Clines of the Human Vitamin D Receptor and Skin Color Genes[J].G3(Bethesda),2016,6(5):1251-1266.
[10]Cuevas AG,Dawson BA,Williams DR.Race and Skin Color in Latino Health: An Analytic Review[J].Am J Public Health,2016,106(12):2131-2136.
, 百拇医药
[11]Firooz A,Zartab H,Sadr B,et al.Daytime Changes of Skin Biophysical Characteristics: A Study of Hydration, Transepidermal Water Loss, pH, Sebum, Elasticity, Erythema,and Color Index on Middle Eastern Skin[J].Indian Dermatol,2016,61(6):700.
[13]Sommers M,Beacham B,Baker R,et al.Intra- and inter-rater reliability of digital image analysis for skin color measurement[J].Skin Res Technol,2013,19(4):484-491.
[14]Vadavadagi SV,Kumari KV,Choudhury GK,et al.Prevalence of Tooth Shade and its Correlation with Skin Colour - A Cross-sectional Study[J].J Clin Diagn Res,2016,10(2):72-74., 百拇医药(热甫卡提·地力毛拉提 古孜努尔·阿巴斯 李春霞 热孜万·克衣木 孙大磊)
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