[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0112-04
, 百拇医药
In-vitro Studies On Shear Bond Strength of Two Orthodontic Adhesive
LIU Gang,WANG Yin-long,WANG Yuan-yin,HU Lu-lu
(Stomatologic Hospital & College,Anhui Medical University,Key Lob. of Oral Diseases Research of Anhui Province, Hefei 230032,Anhui,China)
Abstract: Objective To investigate the difference of bonding strength and residue of binder between two kinds of orthodontic adhesive. Methods 40 orthodontic Maxillary first premolars which needed extracting were collected and randomly divided into 2 groups, group A: light-cure resin binder group, group B: light-cure resin-reinforced glass-ionomer group. The shear strength of each bracket was measured by universal testing machine. The residual index and damage of the enamel surface were observed under microscope. Results The shear strength of group A was (12.30 ± 2.55) MPa, which was significantly higher than that of group B (9.13 ± 1.18) MPa, the difference was statistically significant(t=5.049,P=0.000). The residual rate of adhesive in group A was higher than that in group B(P=0.013). Conclusion While removing bracket, the two kinds of binder did not cause the damage of enamel surface, the shear bond strength of light-cured resin binder was higher than that of light-cure resin-reinforced glass-ionomer, but light-cured resin binder residue on the enamel surface was more after removing the brackets.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words: orthodontics; metal brackets; shear bond strength; adhesive; ARI
固定矯治器中不锈钢材质的正畸托槽因其坚固耐用和价格优势为目前临床上所常用。然而矫治过程中困扰正畸医师的问题之一就是托槽的脱落,这不仅拖延了患者的矫治进度,而且耗费医师椅旁操作时间。托槽粘接剂是口腔正畸临床最常用的材料之一,普遍应用于托槽、颊管、带环及各种正畸附件的粘接。性能良好的托槽粘接剂应符合以下要求[1]:材料体积稳定,有一定流动性,具有很强的粘接力抵抗口内咀嚼、语言等产生的力量和耐受口腔内复杂环境的腐蚀。国内外学者一直在探索能增强牙体釉质和金属托槽稳固粘接的方法。本实验选择目前临床上常用的两种托槽粘接剂与离体牙粘接,通过对粘接剂抗剪切力的测定,分析两种粘接剂粘接强度,并通过观察粘接剂残留于釉质上的量(粘接剂残留指数,Adhesive remnant index, ARI)[2],评价这两种粘接剂对釉质的影响。
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:征得患者同意后,在安徽医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科收集近期1个月内因正畸需要拔除的上颌第一前磨牙40颗,离体牙均来自于年龄18~22岁青少年(要求牙体釉质层健康,无龋坏,无变色,无裂纹,无治疗史,无釉质发育不全,唇面釉质无明显磨耗),性别不限;刮除表面肉芽后保存在0.5%麝香草酚溶液中。将离体牙随机均分为2组(每组20颗),A组:光固化树脂粘接剂;B组:光固化树脂加强型玻璃离子。, http://www.100md.com(刘刚 王银龙 王元银 胡露露)
[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)05-0112-04
, 百拇医药
In-vitro Studies On Shear Bond Strength of Two Orthodontic Adhesive
LIU Gang,WANG Yin-long,WANG Yuan-yin,HU Lu-lu
(Stomatologic Hospital & College,Anhui Medical University,Key Lob. of Oral Diseases Research of Anhui Province, Hefei 230032,Anhui,China)
Abstract: Objective To investigate the difference of bonding strength and residue of binder between two kinds of orthodontic adhesive. Methods 40 orthodontic Maxillary first premolars which needed extracting were collected and randomly divided into 2 groups, group A: light-cure resin binder group, group B: light-cure resin-reinforced glass-ionomer group. The shear strength of each bracket was measured by universal testing machine. The residual index and damage of the enamel surface were observed under microscope. Results The shear strength of group A was (12.30 ± 2.55) MPa, which was significantly higher than that of group B (9.13 ± 1.18) MPa, the difference was statistically significant(t=5.049,P=0.000). The residual rate of adhesive in group A was higher than that in group B(P=0.013). Conclusion While removing bracket, the two kinds of binder did not cause the damage of enamel surface, the shear bond strength of light-cured resin binder was higher than that of light-cure resin-reinforced glass-ionomer, but light-cured resin binder residue on the enamel surface was more after removing the brackets.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words: orthodontics; metal brackets; shear bond strength; adhesive; ARI
固定矯治器中不锈钢材质的正畸托槽因其坚固耐用和价格优势为目前临床上所常用。然而矫治过程中困扰正畸医师的问题之一就是托槽的脱落,这不仅拖延了患者的矫治进度,而且耗费医师椅旁操作时间。托槽粘接剂是口腔正畸临床最常用的材料之一,普遍应用于托槽、颊管、带环及各种正畸附件的粘接。性能良好的托槽粘接剂应符合以下要求[1]:材料体积稳定,有一定流动性,具有很强的粘接力抵抗口内咀嚼、语言等产生的力量和耐受口腔内复杂环境的腐蚀。国内外学者一直在探索能增强牙体釉质和金属托槽稳固粘接的方法。本实验选择目前临床上常用的两种托槽粘接剂与离体牙粘接,通过对粘接剂抗剪切力的测定,分析两种粘接剂粘接强度,并通过观察粘接剂残留于釉质上的量(粘接剂残留指数,Adhesive remnant index, ARI)[2],评价这两种粘接剂对釉质的影响。
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:征得患者同意后,在安徽医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科收集近期1个月内因正畸需要拔除的上颌第一前磨牙40颗,离体牙均来自于年龄18~22岁青少年(要求牙体釉质层健康,无龋坏,无变色,无裂纹,无治疗史,无釉质发育不全,唇面釉质无明显磨耗),性别不限;刮除表面肉芽后保存在0.5%麝香草酚溶液中。将离体牙随机均分为2组(每组20颗),A组:光固化树脂粘接剂;B组:光固化树脂加强型玻璃离子。, http://www.100md.com(刘刚 王银龙 王元银 胡露露)