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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第7期
     [摘要]目的:探讨前臂骨间背侧皮瓣修复烧伤后重度虎口挛缩畸形的临床效果。方法:16例烧伤后的重度虎口挛缩患者,手术松解虎口后,软组织缺损范围为3cm×6cm~5cm×8cm,采用大小为4cm×6cm~6cm×9cm的前臂骨间背侧穿支皮瓣逆行修复缺损,供瓣区植皮修复。结果:16例皮瓣全部成活,切口均一期愈合,6例行二期皮瓣削薄术。术后随访6~14个月,平均10.5个月,皮瓣感觉恢复:S2 4例,S3 9例,S3+ 3例;功能恢复:优13例,良2例,中1例,优良率93.75%。结论:应用前臂骨间背侧穿支皮瓣是修复重度虎口挛缩的有效手术方法,具有并发症少、修复质量高、功能恢复良好等优点。


    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)07-0039-03

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical effect of forearm reverse interosseous perforator flap for repairing the severe contracture of thumb web after burn. Methods 16 patients with the severe contracture of thumb web after burn, who were treated with surgical release of the thumb web. And the defect area was 3cm×6cm-5cm×8cm. The forearm reverse interosseous perforator flaps with 4cm×6cm -6cm×9cm were used to repair the defect area of thumb web, and the donor sites of flaps received skin-grafting. Results All 16 flaps survived, the incision healed at first intention, and 6 cases underwent two stage skin flap thinning. The postoperative follow-up was 6-14 months, with an average of 10.5 months, the sensation of the flaps returned to S2 four cases, S3 nine cases, S3+ three cases. In addition, the functional recovery of flaps: excellent in 13 cases, good in 2 cases, and fair in 1 cases, and the good effect rate was 93.75%. Conclusion The application of forearm reverse interosseous perforator flap is an effective method for repairing the severe contracture of thumb web after burn. This method has the advantages of less complications, a good performance of tissue repairing and functional recovery.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words: forearm reverse interosseous perforator flap; retrograde; repair; contracture of thumb web; scar contracture


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 临床资料:2014年3月-2017年12月,笔者科室共收治16例烧伤后重度虎口挛缩患者。男14例,女2例;年龄20~48岁,平均34.6岁;左手6例,右手10例,均为烧伤后瘢痕增生挛缩畸形所致;伤后再次入院手术时间为6~16个月,平均8个月;按顾玉东等[1]提出的测量标准,所有患者均为重度虎口挛缩,术前虎口角平均(18.89±4.72)°,虎口宽度平均(2.15±0.28)cm。
, http://www.100md.com
    1.2 手术方法:所有患者手术均在全麻下进行,患肢驱血后上止血带手术。

    1.2.1 松解挛缩虎口:沿美蓝标记线作虎口部切口,切除深部及周围增生的瘢痕及纤维结缔组织,彻底松解虎口组织。如伴有拇指屈曲畸形,则同时松解挛缩的拇指内收肌、第1骨间背侧肌、腕掌关节囊及拇长伸、屈肌腱,彻底开大虎口。虎口宽度等于健侧或相当于健侧的90%以上,拇指可外展,且能被动与小指对捏。

    1.2.2 皮瓣修复创面:本组病例均采用前臂骨间背侧穿支皮瓣逆行修复,根据虎口软组织缺损大小设计皮瓣,皮瓣切取大小为4cm×6cm~6cm×9cm。皮瓣设计在腕关节内旋,以肱骨外上髁到尺骨茎突连线为轴,旋转点位于尺骨茎突上3cm处(即前臂背侧骨间动脉与骨间前动脉吻合处)。确认皮瓣血管蒂,由近端桡侧切开皮肤、皮下组织、深筋膜,沿深筋膜下向尺侧掀起皮瓣,在小指深肌与尺侧腕伸肌间的间隙内可见到骨间背侧动脉、静脉、神经,并继续向近端游离,仔细将骨间背侧神经血管束游离至尺骨茎突上3cm的旋转点,确认血管吻合弓存在后,作皮瓣蒂部周缘切口。皮瓣蒂部应保留2cm宽的筋膜及肌间隔组织,防止血管受到牵拉。向远端游离时要注意保持深筋膜的完整性,并保护好骨间背侧神经及皮支。皮瓣和血管蒂完全游离后,松止血带,观察并确认皮瓣血运良好后,经皮下隧道或开放切口逆行转移至虎口软组织缺损部位。供区皮肤拉拢缝合后,大腿前外侧取游离皮片修复残余创面, 创面加压打包包扎。, http://www.100md.com(张晖 吴银生 姚明)
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