[1]游云华,汪跃平,张华伟.下颌阻生智齿与邻牙远中牙槽骨吸收关系的研究[J].实用临床医学,2003,4(6): 98-100.
[4]尉文华,毛天球,王贺忠,等.rhBMP-2、胶原、珊瑚复合人工骨植入智齿牙槽窝的临床研究[J]. 现代口腔医学杂志,2002,16(2):141-142.
, 百拇医药
[6]Coppola D,Szabo M,Boulware D,et al.Correlation of osteopontinprotein expression and pathological stage across a wide variety of tumor histologies[J].Clin Cancer Res,2004,10(1pt1):184-190.
[7]Misch CE,Dietsh F.Bone-grafting materials in implant dentistry[J].Implants Dent,1993,2(3):158-167.
[9]MengYi Bai,ChingWei Wang,Jyun-Yi Wang,et al.Three- dimensional structure and cytokine distribution of platelet-rich fibrin[J].Clinics(Sao Paulo),2017,72(2):116-124.
, 百拇医药
[10]Jensen SS,Aaboe M,pinholt EM,et al.Tissue reaction and material.Charateristics of four bone substitutes[J].Int J oral Maxillofal Implants,1990,11(1):55-66.
[13]Yoon JS,Lee SH,Yoon HJ.The influence of platelet-rich fibrin on angiogenesis in guided bone regeneration using xenogenic bone substitutes: a study of rabbit cranial defects[ J].J Cranio maxillo fac Surg,2014,42(7):1071-1077.
, 百拇医药
[14]Sun X,Robertson SA,Ingman WV.Regulation of epithelial cell turnover and macrophage phenotype by epithelial cell-derived transforming growth factor beta 1 in the mammary gland[J].Cytokine,2013,61(2):377-388.
[16]Kumar RV,Shubhashini N.Platelet rich fibrin:a new paradigm in periodontal regeneration[ J].Cell Tissue Bank,2013,14(3):453-463.
, 百拇医药
[17]AmitArvind Agrawal.Evolution current status and advancesin application of platelet concentratin periodontics and implantology[J].World J Clin Cases,2017,15(5):159-171.
[18]Araujo M,Linderi E,Wennstrom J,et al.The influenceof Bio-Oss collagenon healing of an extraction socket: anexperimental study in the dog[J].Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent,2008,28(2):123-135.
[19]Araujo MG,Liljenberg B,Lindhe J.Dynamics of Bio-oss collagen incorporation in fresh extraction wounds:an experimental study in the dog[J].Clin Oral Implants Res,2010,21(1):55-64.
[20]董瑤,董飞君,潘凌峰.Bio-Oss 骨粉联合富血小板纤维蛋白对口腔种植引导性骨再生术后黏膜愈合和骨缺损再生的影响研究[J].中国全科医学,2017,209(12):152-154.
[收稿日期]2018-03-28 [修回日期]2018-05-23
编辑/李阳利, 百拇医药(张景喜 丁明会 杨占宝)
[1]游云华,汪跃平,张华伟.下颌阻生智齿与邻牙远中牙槽骨吸收关系的研究[J].实用临床医学,2003,4(6): 98-100.
[4]尉文华,毛天球,王贺忠,等.rhBMP-2、胶原、珊瑚复合人工骨植入智齿牙槽窝的临床研究[J]. 现代口腔医学杂志,2002,16(2):141-142.
, 百拇医药
[6]Coppola D,Szabo M,Boulware D,et al.Correlation of osteopontinprotein expression and pathological stage across a wide variety of tumor histologies[J].Clin Cancer Res,2004,10(1pt1):184-190.
[7]Misch CE,Dietsh F.Bone-grafting materials in implant dentistry[J].Implants Dent,1993,2(3):158-167.
[9]MengYi Bai,ChingWei Wang,Jyun-Yi Wang,et al.Three- dimensional structure and cytokine distribution of platelet-rich fibrin[J].Clinics(Sao Paulo),2017,72(2):116-124.
, 百拇医药
[10]Jensen SS,Aaboe M,pinholt EM,et al.Tissue reaction and material.Charateristics of four bone substitutes[J].Int J oral Maxillofal Implants,1990,11(1):55-66.
[13]Yoon JS,Lee SH,Yoon HJ.The influence of platelet-rich fibrin on angiogenesis in guided bone regeneration using xenogenic bone substitutes: a study of rabbit cranial defects[ J].J Cranio maxillo fac Surg,2014,42(7):1071-1077.
, 百拇医药
[14]Sun X,Robertson SA,Ingman WV.Regulation of epithelial cell turnover and macrophage phenotype by epithelial cell-derived transforming growth factor beta 1 in the mammary gland[J].Cytokine,2013,61(2):377-388.
[16]Kumar RV,Shubhashini N.Platelet rich fibrin:a new paradigm in periodontal regeneration[ J].Cell Tissue Bank,2013,14(3):453-463.
, 百拇医药
[17]AmitArvind Agrawal.Evolution current status and advancesin application of platelet concentratin periodontics and implantology[J].World J Clin Cases,2017,15(5):159-171.
[18]Araujo M,Linderi E,Wennstrom J,et al.The influenceof Bio-Oss collagenon healing of an extraction socket: anexperimental study in the dog[J].Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent,2008,28(2):123-135.
[19]Araujo MG,Liljenberg B,Lindhe J.Dynamics of Bio-oss collagen incorporation in fresh extraction wounds:an experimental study in the dog[J].Clin Oral Implants Res,2010,21(1):55-64.
[20]董瑤,董飞君,潘凌峰.Bio-Oss 骨粉联合富血小板纤维蛋白对口腔种植引导性骨再生术后黏膜愈合和骨缺损再生的影响研究[J].中国全科医学,2017,209(12):152-154.
[收稿日期]2018-03-28 [修回日期]2018-05-23
编辑/李阳利, 百拇医药(张景喜 丁明会 杨占宝)
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