[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)09-0006-03
Functional Medicine and Anti-aging
, http://www.100md.com
WEN Li1,PAN Jie2,3,HU Xue-qing1,BAO Qi1,3,MA Qi1,ZHAO Qi-ming4
(1.Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,the Second Affiliated Hospital,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310009,Zhejiang,China;2. Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism,the Second Affiliated Hospital,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310009,Zhejiang,China;3.Institute of Gastroenterology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310000,Zhejiang,China;4.Department of Plastic Surgery,Zhejiang Hospital,Hangzhou 310013,Zhejiang,China)
, 百拇医药
Abstract: “Functional medicine” and anti-aging medicine are two current topics highlighted in aesthetic field and healthy industry. By demonstrating the basic concepts of functional medicine, we tried to compare it with traditional medicine. Meanwhile, in excavating the content of anti-aging medicine, we revealed the inner linkage between anti-aging medicine and functional medicine in the aspect of ultimate goal and way of application. In the review, we systematically summarized the current scientific and clinical status of how functional medicine is contributing to the anti-aging strategy in terms of hormone related signaling pathways, reactive oxygen species and antioxidant, as well as advanced glycation end-products and their antagonists, thus to explore new orientation of the development of these interdisciplinary field.
, 百拇医药
Key words: functional medicine; anti-aging medicine; signaling pathway; oxygen free radicals; antioxidants; Advanced glycation end-products(AGEs)
1 “功能醫学”的基本概念
所谓“功能医学”是替代医学(Alternative medicine)的一种,主要关注环境与人体消化系统、内分泌系统及免疫系统的关系[1]。它专注于为患者提供个性化治疗手段。但目前有不少无良从业者,套用“功能医学”的概念,使用许多未经证实有效或已经被证实无效的手段,行伪科学之实。因此,作为专业抗衰老从业者,要科学甄别,秉着患者生命所系的责任心,积极实践真实的“功能医学”。因此,在没有业内广泛认同的前提下,本文将所有“功能医学”名词都添加双引号。
国外学者对“功能医学”的定义是:从遗传、环境、生理、心理和生活方式的关系着手,研究人体功能下降到病理改变的发病过程。从而在保健、慢性病以及抗衰老等方面提供诊断和干预治疗方案[3]。国内学者也对“功能医学”进行了基本定义,“功能医学”(Functional medicine)是指从遗传、环境、心理、生活方式和生理的联动关系入手,通过研究人体由生理功能下降到病理改变的发病过程,来判断功能变化程度、疾病的发展进程,找出功能下降和疾病产生的原因,做到早期发现疾病及预防未来疾病的发生。在此基础上,医生给出具有针对性的“个性化干预方案”[4]。, 百拇医药(闻莉 潘洁 胡学庆 包祺 马奇 赵启明)
[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)09-0006-03
Functional Medicine and Anti-aging
, http://www.100md.com
WEN Li1,PAN Jie2,3,HU Xue-qing1,BAO Qi1,3,MA Qi1,ZHAO Qi-ming4
(1.Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,the Second Affiliated Hospital,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310009,Zhejiang,China;2. Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism,the Second Affiliated Hospital,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310009,Zhejiang,China;3.Institute of Gastroenterology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310000,Zhejiang,China;4.Department of Plastic Surgery,Zhejiang Hospital,Hangzhou 310013,Zhejiang,China)
, 百拇医药
Abstract: “Functional medicine” and anti-aging medicine are two current topics highlighted in aesthetic field and healthy industry. By demonstrating the basic concepts of functional medicine, we tried to compare it with traditional medicine. Meanwhile, in excavating the content of anti-aging medicine, we revealed the inner linkage between anti-aging medicine and functional medicine in the aspect of ultimate goal and way of application. In the review, we systematically summarized the current scientific and clinical status of how functional medicine is contributing to the anti-aging strategy in terms of hormone related signaling pathways, reactive oxygen species and antioxidant, as well as advanced glycation end-products and their antagonists, thus to explore new orientation of the development of these interdisciplinary field.
, 百拇医药
Key words: functional medicine; anti-aging medicine; signaling pathway; oxygen free radicals; antioxidants; Advanced glycation end-products(AGEs)
1 “功能醫学”的基本概念
所谓“功能医学”是替代医学(Alternative medicine)的一种,主要关注环境与人体消化系统、内分泌系统及免疫系统的关系[1]。它专注于为患者提供个性化治疗手段。但目前有不少无良从业者,套用“功能医学”的概念,使用许多未经证实有效或已经被证实无效的手段,行伪科学之实。因此,作为专业抗衰老从业者,要科学甄别,秉着患者生命所系的责任心,积极实践真实的“功能医学”。因此,在没有业内广泛认同的前提下,本文将所有“功能医学”名词都添加双引号。
国外学者对“功能医学”的定义是:从遗传、环境、生理、心理和生活方式的关系着手,研究人体功能下降到病理改变的发病过程。从而在保健、慢性病以及抗衰老等方面提供诊断和干预治疗方案[3]。国内学者也对“功能医学”进行了基本定义,“功能医学”(Functional medicine)是指从遗传、环境、心理、生活方式和生理的联动关系入手,通过研究人体由生理功能下降到病理改变的发病过程,来判断功能变化程度、疾病的发展进程,找出功能下降和疾病产生的原因,做到早期发现疾病及预防未来疾病的发生。在此基础上,医生给出具有针对性的“个性化干预方案”[4]。, 百拇医药(闻莉 潘洁 胡学庆 包祺 马奇 赵启明)