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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第10期


    [中图分类号]R732.2 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)10-0030-04

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the feasibility of ultrasound guided scleortherapy with Lauromacrogol foam and evaluate the short-term efficacy and safety in the treatment of venous malformation. Methods 47 venous malformations patients were treated with Lauromacrogol foam sclerosing agent under ultrasound guidance. The effect was respectively evaluated depending on the basis of the result of color doppler sonography during the treatment, imaging review of lesions fading condition and the improvement of clinical symptoms,and we also assessed the safety and superiority of percutaneous ultrasound-guided Lauromacrogol sclerotherapy. Results There were 78 times in the treatment of direct percutaneous lauromacrogol foam sclerosing agent injection for 47 patients in total. The results were excellent in 39cases, good in 5 cases, valid in 3 cases and there was no case was invalid. Side effects included the changes of local skin temperature, postoperative pain,swelling and ecchymoses.47 patients had no serious postoperative complications. Conclusion Percutaneous ultrasound-guided Lauromacrogol sclerotherapy is a less-invasive, effective and convenient method, it provides a new and alternative way and is expected to be one of the most important treatments for venous malformations.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: venous malformation; lauromacrogol; ultrasound guide; sclerosing agent; scleortherapy

    靜脉畸形(Venous Malformation,VM)是人体最常见的先天性血管畸形,男女发病率相等,可发生于身体任何部位,出生时表现不明显,随年龄增长而逐渐增大,且不能自行消退。早期的局部病灶可无症状,或单纯表现为浅表静脉扩张,如果肿物压迫周围重要器官,可引起各种不同症状,如:局部疼痛、肢体肿胀甚至功能障碍[1]。常见的治疗方法有手术切除、硬化剂栓塞等,近年来,多项研究报道聚桂醇治疗静脉畸形疗效肯定且并发症少[2-4]。本研究旨在探讨彩超引导下聚桂醇硬化栓塞治疗静脉畸形的可行性,并评价其安全性及临床近期疗效。

    1 资料和方法

    1.1 病例资料:选择2015年9月-2017年11月于广东医科大学附属医院整形外科确诊为静脉畸形的47例患者,年龄6月~64岁,中位年龄32岁,男17例,女30例,发病部位:头面部12例,躯干部4例,会阴部臀部5例,四肢部位26例,其中3例患者曾行手术切除,切除不净或术后复发,其余病例均为初诊。病灶大小为0.8cm×1cm×0.8cm~23cm×6cm×4.9cm,根据病史、临床体征、彩超及MRI检查诊断。该项研究的患者或其监护人在治疗前对研究目的、方法、过程及可能存在的风险均知情,并签署手术同意书和临床研究知情同意书。所有病例治疗前均常规检查心电图、胸片、血常规、凝血功能、肝肾功能,若病灶较大,位置特殊,则除彩超和MRI检查外,加做CT和(或)CTA(三维计算机断层扫描血管造影)检查,必要时行DSA (数字减影血管造影),了解静脉畸形所处位置、侵及范围、与周围组织关系、血液回流快慢、是否影响机体功能甚至危及生命。排除标准:严重心肺部疾病、肝肾功能严重受损、凝血功能障碍以及发热患者。, 百拇医药(李艺 黄星 郭皓 谷方晓 郝新光 左强 申福定 梁杰)
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