[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)10-0083-03
, http://www.100md.com Abstract: Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of autologous fat granules filling technique on middle aged and elderly patients with upper eye socket depression, in order to discuss the treatment experience. Methods 86 cases(165 eyes) of middle aged and elderly patients with upper eye socket depression which was taken as research objects in our hospital from January 2015 to May 2017. The fat particle was extracted in inner thigh or upper buttock of patients and it was transplanted to hollow-eye socket region after rinse, centrifuge and purification. All the patients were followed up for one year after operation, the therapeutic effect and postoperative complications were observed. Results The upper eye socket depression of all patients were obviously improved. The form of eye socket was satisfying in 70 cases of patients after one time of filling technique, the form of eye socket was satisfying in 16 cases of patients after two times of filling technique. There was no postoperative complications, such as fat liquefaction, infection, hematoncus and so on. Conclusion The therapeutic effect was good, safety was high and postoperative complications were low of autologous fat granules filling technique in correcting of upper eye socket depression of middle aged and elderly patients.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words: autologous fat granules; filling; upper eye socket depression; middle aged and elderly patients; therapeutic effect; evaluation
, http://www.100md.com
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:以2015年1月-2017年5月笔者医院收治的86例(165眼)上眼窝凹陷的中老年就医者为研究对象,其中男6例,女80例;年龄45~80岁,平均(62.33±8.54)岁;先天性眼窝脂肪缺少者46例,眼窝脂肪自我吸收者30例,手术或外伤致眼窝脂肪缺失者10例。排除临床资料不完整、依从性差、严重心脑肺血管疾病、凝血功能障碍等就医者。本研究经过医院医学伦理委员会审核批准,均自愿签署知情同意书。
1.2 方法[7-8]:脂肪颗粒均来源于大腿内侧或臀上部。采用注射器吸取1%利多卡因加副肾0.5mg的生理盐水100ml,再于大腿内侧或臀上部的脂肪层进行负压抽吸脂肪颗粒10~15ml。使用生理盐水反复漂洗脂肪颗粒至澄清,采用静置悬浮法沉淀后离心纯化将上层游离脂肪及下层液体去除备用。, 百拇医药(张新成 张姣姣)
[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)10-0083-03
, http://www.100md.com Abstract: Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of autologous fat granules filling technique on middle aged and elderly patients with upper eye socket depression, in order to discuss the treatment experience. Methods 86 cases(165 eyes) of middle aged and elderly patients with upper eye socket depression which was taken as research objects in our hospital from January 2015 to May 2017. The fat particle was extracted in inner thigh or upper buttock of patients and it was transplanted to hollow-eye socket region after rinse, centrifuge and purification. All the patients were followed up for one year after operation, the therapeutic effect and postoperative complications were observed. Results The upper eye socket depression of all patients were obviously improved. The form of eye socket was satisfying in 70 cases of patients after one time of filling technique, the form of eye socket was satisfying in 16 cases of patients after two times of filling technique. There was no postoperative complications, such as fat liquefaction, infection, hematoncus and so on. Conclusion The therapeutic effect was good, safety was high and postoperative complications were low of autologous fat granules filling technique in correcting of upper eye socket depression of middle aged and elderly patients.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words: autologous fat granules; filling; upper eye socket depression; middle aged and elderly patients; therapeutic effect; evaluation
, http://www.100md.com
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:以2015年1月-2017年5月笔者医院收治的86例(165眼)上眼窝凹陷的中老年就医者为研究对象,其中男6例,女80例;年龄45~80岁,平均(62.33±8.54)岁;先天性眼窝脂肪缺少者46例,眼窝脂肪自我吸收者30例,手术或外伤致眼窝脂肪缺失者10例。排除临床资料不完整、依从性差、严重心脑肺血管疾病、凝血功能障碍等就医者。本研究经过医院医学伦理委员会审核批准,均自愿签署知情同意书。
1.2 方法[7-8]:脂肪颗粒均来源于大腿内侧或臀上部。采用注射器吸取1%利多卡因加副肾0.5mg的生理盐水100ml,再于大腿内侧或臀上部的脂肪层进行负压抽吸脂肪颗粒10~15ml。使用生理盐水反复漂洗脂肪颗粒至澄清,采用静置悬浮法沉淀后离心纯化将上层游离脂肪及下层液体去除备用。, 百拇医药(张新成 张姣姣)
参见:首页 > 保健版 > 家庭健康 > 中年保健 > 中老年健康