[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)11-0013-03
Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of three kinds of correction of labia minora hypertrophy. Methods Patients were stratified into one of three groups based on labial size. The surgeon chose one of three reduction techniques based on the degree of labial hypertrophy and the patient’s aesthetic preferences for labial edge color and contour. Three reduction techniques were used including the edge excision method, the wedge resection method, and deepithelialization reduction labioplasty. Results The 23 procedures performed included two deepithelialization method, five edge excision method, and fifteen wedge resection method. One patient performed deepithelialization method and wedge resection method. As reported, all patients were “very satisfied” with their aesthetic and functional results. The complications were minimal, with one patients experiencing minor wound healing difficulties that resolved spontaneously. Conclusion The authors found all three techniques for labia minora reduction to be useful in different clinical situations. The best surgical technique is chosen based on the patient's hypertrophy and aesthetic goals.
, 百拇医药
Key words: labia minora hypertrophy; edge excision method; wedge resection method; deepithelialized reduction method; labia minora reduction
1 临床资料
本组共23例,年龄24~45岁。患者主诉包括单纯的外形不佳,走路、骑车及性生活时不适或疼痛等,均为先天性双侧小阴唇肥大。1例患者双侧小阴唇严重不对称。根据Motakef[3]分型小阴唇突出大阴唇的程度将小阴唇肥大分为3型,Ⅰ型:小阴唇突出于大阴唇 0~2cm;Ⅱ型:小阴唇突出于大阴唇>2~4cm;Ⅲ型:小阴唇突出于大阴唇>4cm。本组患者中Ⅰ型6例;Ⅱ型14例;Ⅲ型3例。
, 百拇医药
2 手术方法
2.1 术前准备:手术选择在月经结束后5~10d进行。术前做血常规、血浆凝血酶原时间、妇科检查,排除小阴唇溃疡及妇科感染性疾病。
2.2 术前评估:术前对所有患者进行充分沟通,了解患者手术原因,讨论手术效果及3种手术方法的优缺点,并告知手术可能有出血、瘢痕、慢性刺激性疼痛等并发症。
2.3 手术方法:手术全部在局麻下进行。患者采取截石位, 以有效碘含量为4.5%~5.5%聚维酮碘消毒术区,铺无菌巾、单,将小阴唇向外侧方牵开展平,正确评估需要切除的小阴唇部分,用亚甲蓝标记拟切除的小阴唇,用1%利多卡因+1:10万肾上腺素局部浸润麻醉,使小阴唇肿胀。①小阴唇直线切除缝合术:用亚甲蓝设计切口线,使切除后的小阴唇不超过大阴唇1cm,麻醉生效后然后按设计的切口用剪刀剪除画线内全层组织,切除时切面呈V形,内层保留的黏膜略多于外侧皮肤,以使缝合线位于阴唇的外缘。彻底止血后用5-0薇荞线间断皮内缝合,6-0薇荞线创缘间断缝合;②楔形切除术:将设计范围内的楔形组织去除,彻底止血后,以5-0薇荞线间断缝合皮内组织,确保良好对合避免死腔,6-0薇荞线间断缝合创缘皮肤;③中央去上皮缝合术:在小阴唇内、外侧面上用亚甲蓝标出拟去除的表皮部分, 麻醉生效后将标记好的范围去表皮,彻底止血后将创缘用6-0薇荞线间断缝合。, 百拇医药(葛华强 林樾 燕辛)
[中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)11-0013-03
Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of three kinds of correction of labia minora hypertrophy. Methods Patients were stratified into one of three groups based on labial size. The surgeon chose one of three reduction techniques based on the degree of labial hypertrophy and the patient’s aesthetic preferences for labial edge color and contour. Three reduction techniques were used including the edge excision method, the wedge resection method, and deepithelialization reduction labioplasty. Results The 23 procedures performed included two deepithelialization method, five edge excision method, and fifteen wedge resection method. One patient performed deepithelialization method and wedge resection method. As reported, all patients were “very satisfied” with their aesthetic and functional results. The complications were minimal, with one patients experiencing minor wound healing difficulties that resolved spontaneously. Conclusion The authors found all three techniques for labia minora reduction to be useful in different clinical situations. The best surgical technique is chosen based on the patient's hypertrophy and aesthetic goals.
, 百拇医药
Key words: labia minora hypertrophy; edge excision method; wedge resection method; deepithelialized reduction method; labia minora reduction
1 临床资料
本组共23例,年龄24~45岁。患者主诉包括单纯的外形不佳,走路、骑车及性生活时不适或疼痛等,均为先天性双侧小阴唇肥大。1例患者双侧小阴唇严重不对称。根据Motakef[3]分型小阴唇突出大阴唇的程度将小阴唇肥大分为3型,Ⅰ型:小阴唇突出于大阴唇 0~2cm;Ⅱ型:小阴唇突出于大阴唇>2~4cm;Ⅲ型:小阴唇突出于大阴唇>4cm。本组患者中Ⅰ型6例;Ⅱ型14例;Ⅲ型3例。
, 百拇医药
2 手术方法
2.1 术前准备:手术选择在月经结束后5~10d进行。术前做血常规、血浆凝血酶原时间、妇科检查,排除小阴唇溃疡及妇科感染性疾病。
2.2 术前评估:术前对所有患者进行充分沟通,了解患者手术原因,讨论手术效果及3种手术方法的优缺点,并告知手术可能有出血、瘢痕、慢性刺激性疼痛等并发症。
2.3 手术方法:手术全部在局麻下进行。患者采取截石位, 以有效碘含量为4.5%~5.5%聚维酮碘消毒术区,铺无菌巾、单,将小阴唇向外侧方牵开展平,正确评估需要切除的小阴唇部分,用亚甲蓝标记拟切除的小阴唇,用1%利多卡因+1:10万肾上腺素局部浸润麻醉,使小阴唇肿胀。①小阴唇直线切除缝合术:用亚甲蓝设计切口线,使切除后的小阴唇不超过大阴唇1cm,麻醉生效后然后按设计的切口用剪刀剪除画线内全层组织,切除时切面呈V形,内层保留的黏膜略多于外侧皮肤,以使缝合线位于阴唇的外缘。彻底止血后用5-0薇荞线间断皮内缝合,6-0薇荞线创缘间断缝合;②楔形切除术:将设计范围内的楔形组织去除,彻底止血后,以5-0薇荞线间断缝合皮内组织,确保良好对合避免死腔,6-0薇荞线间断缝合创缘皮肤;③中央去上皮缝合术:在小阴唇内、外侧面上用亚甲蓝标出拟去除的表皮部分, 麻醉生效后将标记好的范围去表皮,彻底止血后将创缘用6-0薇荞线间断缝合。, 百拇医药(葛华强 林樾 燕辛)