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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第11期


    [中图分类号]R616.4 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)11-0043-03
, 百拇医药
    Abstract: Objective To learn the trend of photoelectric treatment performed in our department, and understand the age characteristics of those who received these treatment, then provide theoretical basis for the same level hospitals those would equip with photoelectric treatment equipment. Methods Data was collected from 2013 to 2017 in our department; the age distribution of the visitors and the treatments accepted by visitors were described. Data analysis was conducted by spss 16.0. Results The number of cosmetic patients of our department increased year by year. The proportion of male cosmetic patients is 3.73%. The number of young cosmetic patients increased much more. Skin whitening was the greatest need. The intense plus photo(IPL) was the common method used to skin whitening; The armpit hair removal was the common requirement among the people who desire to remove the hair. Conclusion The cosmetic market still has a lot of room for growth. The market for male photoelectric need to be digged. The hospital which would develop the photoelectric treatment should aim to the skin whitening at the early stage. The IPL should be equipped firstly with the tool used to skin whitening and hair removal.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:photoelectric treatment; intense pulsed light; Q-switch laser; radio frequency; skin whitening; hair removal


    1 对象和方法

    1.1 研究对象:选择2013年1月-2017年12月在笔者科室以美容为诉求进行光电治疗的1 766例就醫者为研究对象,所有就医者在接受治疗前均签署知情同意书。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 方法:收集1 766例就医者的资料,包括性别、年龄、首次接受光电治疗的种类(美白祛斑、脱毛、紧肤),并将就医者按年龄分组,比较不同年龄段人群接受光电求美目的的差异。采用Excel软件录入所有就医者资料,采用SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验,检验水准α=0.05。

    2 结果

    2.1 2013年-2017年首次接受光电美容治疗的就医者人数变化趋势:1 766例就医者,其中男61例,女1 705例,年龄8~82岁,平均(42±13)岁。2013年-2017年就医者人数变化(见图1)。发现要求光电美容治疗的人数在逐年上升,其中,女性就医者人数占96.27%,男性就医者人数占3.73%(见表1)。

    2.2 就医者年龄构成:2013年-2017年各年龄段求美人数分布,见图2、表2。2013年以40~49岁就医者人数最多,2014年-2016年,30~39岁就医者人数最多,且该年龄段人数逐年上升;2017年,就医者年龄呈双峰分布,分别为30~39岁和50~59岁年龄段,且50~59岁年龄段人数超出30~39岁年龄段人数;2016年及2017年,共有3例80岁以上的女性接受了美白祛斑治疗。对2013年-2017年不同年龄段就医者进行统计学分析,结果显示不同年龄段就医者构成比有显著性差异(χ2=36.653,P=0.002<0.05)。, 百拇医药(马慧敏 陈军 冯仁洋)
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