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http://www.100md.com 2019年5月15日 《中国美容医学》 2019年第10期


    [中图分类号]R329.2+8 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2019)10-0096-03

    Abstract: Objective To observe the effects of the effective components of tortoise shell on hair growth and cycle of hair loss model mice. Methods The model of hair loss of telogen in mice was made. After depilation, positive control group were given 5% minoxidil solution and experimental group A, B, C were given 0.15%, 0.2%, 0.4% tortoise shell effective components solution respectively for the hair removal area. Comparison of hair growth differences between groups. The skin of the back hair of the mice was excised for HE staining and hair follicle count on the 19th day of the experiment, and the effect of the effective components of tortoise shell on the number of hair follicles was observed. Results Appropriate concentration of experimental group B and positive control mice hair growth prior to other groups. The hair shaft colour of hair follicle of experimental mice were deep, which mainly were terminal hair. The number of hair follicles in the back depilation area of the experimental group was higher than that of the model group (P<0.05), which was statistically significant. Conclusion The effective components of tortoise shell promote the growth of hair and hair follicles and prolong the hair anagen.

    Key words: effective components of tortoise shell; hair loss of telogen; hair growth; hair growth cycle; hair follicles

    龟板味甘、咸、性寒,归肝、肾、心经,《本草纲目》记载“龟甲以补肾添精、补血滋阴为用”,具有补肾填精、滋阴潜阳、益肾健骨之功效。十四酸甾醇酯(Cholesterol Myristate, S8)和甾酮((+)-Cholesten-3-one, S9)是龟板乙酸乙酯提取物中最具生物活性的单体[1]。课题组在前期研究中发现,龟板有效成分在促进大鼠伤口愈合的同时,促进了毛发的生长。基于肾“其华在发”理论,通过对肾脏的调理,本文探讨龟板有效成分对毛发的作用,旨在进一步深入研究龟板的功效。

    1 材料和方法

    1.1 实验动物:5~6周龄雄性C57BL/6J小鼠(SPF级),广州中医药大学实验动物中心提供,许可证号SCXK(粤)2018-0034。

    1.2 主要试剂:米诺地尔购于上海易势化工有限公司,货号:RC503218;(+)-4-Cholesten-3-one(S9)购于Tokyo Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.貨号:C1366。

    1.3 方法

    1.3.1 小鼠脱发模型建立:小鼠分笼饲养1周后,将松香和石蜡按1:1比例加热混合融化后,均匀涂抹于小鼠背部,面积为2cm×2cm,冷却凝固后揭去,以去除背毛。小鼠的皮肤在毛发生长期呈黑色,退行期呈灰色,休止期呈粉红色[2]。揭毛后确认毛发处于生长周期中的休止期,皮肤颜色为粉红色。

    1.3.2 动物分组及干预:脱毛后,选取脱毛区皮肤光滑无皮损的小鼠,随机分为模型组6只、阳性对照组6只、实验A组6只,实验B组6只,实验C组6只。干预措施分别为:①模型组:造模不给药;②阳性对照组:造模后,给予5%米诺地尔外用,每天早上1次;③实验A组:造模后,给予0.15%龟板有效成分溶液外用;④实验B组:造模后,给予0.2%龟板有效成分溶液外用;⑤实验C组:造模后,给予0.4%龟板有效成分溶液外用,实验组给药早晚1次。连续给药19d。, 百拇医药(钟淑贤 石雨晴 杨亚兰 申倩 胡佩欣 李春)
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