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[16]Cairo F,Pagliaro U,Buti J,et al.Root coverage procedures improve patient aesthetics. A Systematic Review and Bayesian network meta-analysis[J].J Clin Periodontol,2016,43(11):965-975.DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.12603.
[17]Deshpande A,Koudale SB,Bhongade ML.A comparative evaluation of rhpdgf-bb + β-tcp and subepithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recession defects in humans[J].Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent,2014,34(2):241-249.
[18]Srinivas BVV,Rupa N,Kumari KVH,et al.Root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft with platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of gingival recession: A clinical study[J].J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2015,7(Suppl 2):S530-S538.
本文引用格式:于文鳳,于兰,吕敏敏,等.血小板浓缩生长因子联合冠向复位瓣修复对牙龈退缩患者根面覆盖效果及美学评价的影响[J].中国美容医学,2019,28(10):117-120., 百拇医药(于文凤 于兰 吕敏敏 纪坤 张志媛 路茜 崔凤林)
[15]?ncü E.The use of platelet-rich fibrin versus subepithelial connective tissue graft in treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a randomized clinical trial[J].Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2017,37(2):265.
[16]Cairo F,Pagliaro U,Buti J,et al.Root coverage procedures improve patient aesthetics. A Systematic Review and Bayesian network meta-analysis[J].J Clin Periodontol,2016,43(11):965-975.DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.12603.
[17]Deshpande A,Koudale SB,Bhongade ML.A comparative evaluation of rhpdgf-bb + β-tcp and subepithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recession defects in humans[J].Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent,2014,34(2):241-249.
[18]Srinivas BVV,Rupa N,Kumari KVH,et al.Root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft with platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of gingival recession: A clinical study[J].J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2015,7(Suppl 2):S530-S538.
本文引用格式:于文鳳,于兰,吕敏敏,等.血小板浓缩生长因子联合冠向复位瓣修复对牙龈退缩患者根面覆盖效果及美学评价的影响[J].中国美容医学,2019,28(10):117-120., 百拇医药(于文凤 于兰 吕敏敏 纪坤 张志媛 路茜 崔凤林)