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http://www.100md.com 2021年8月19日 中国美容医学 2021年第7期
     阿迪力江·赛买提 张思敏 买买提吐逊·吐尔地

    [摘要]目的:评价结合 Shelby G及Federico的设计方案的菱形瓣修复颌面部缺损的应用效果。方法:近三年以来,笔者科室结合 Shelby G及Federico的菱形瓣设计方案,对22例颌面颈部不同类型疾病手术治疗过程中形成的继发性缺损进行修补缺损。入院后进行常规检查排除手术禁忌证,完善术前准备后安排手术治疗,按照病变累及部位、大小等因素确定麻醉方法;手术治疗后进行常规换药、术后6~7d拆除缝合线。结果:21例患者术后均一期愈合,无感染、裂开等情况,1例患者皮瓣坏死换药处理后二期愈合,均无供皮区畸形等情况,术后6~7d拆除缝合线,患者满意手术效果。结论:结合Shelby G及Federico的菱形瓣设计方案,尤其顶角在30°~45°范围内的菱形瓣转移修补方案,修复颌面颈部小范围组织缺损效果明显,满意度高,可临床推广应用。


    [中图分类号]R622? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)07-0086-03

    Clinical Analysis of 22 Cases of Maxillofacial and Neck Defects Repaired with Rhombus Flap Design

    Adilijiang·SAIMAITI,ZHANG Si-min,Maimaitituxun·TUERDI

    [Department of Trauma and orthognathous Surgery of Maxillofacial, the Frist Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University(Affiliated Hospital Of Stomatology),Urumqi 830011,Xinjiang,China]

    Abstract: Objective To evaluate? the new formed rhomboid flap that repairing neck and facial defects combined the design of Shelby G and Federico. Methods? In the past three years,we used the new formed rhomboid flap repair 22 patients with neck and facial defects ......

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