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http://www.100md.com 2021年12月17日 中国美容医学 2021年第11期
     沈琳 彭国光 吴美珍

    [关键词]3Shape Trios;种植单冠;硅橡胶印模技术;口内扫描;全瓷冠

    [中图分类号]R782.12? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)11-0128-03

    Comparison of Restoration Effects between 3Shape Trios and Impression of Silicon Rubber for Implant Restoration of Molars

    SHEN Lin,PENG Guo-guang,WU Mei-zhen

    (Dental Center,Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Foshan 528000,Guangdong,China)

    Abstract: Objective To compare the difference of restoration effects between digital intraoral scanning technology and conventional impression of silicon rubber for implant restoration of the posterior teeth.Methods? In this study,62 patients undergoing implant restorations for the posterior teeth were enrolled.43 patients accepted 3Shape intraoral scan to get digital impressions(direct group),while 43 patients were treated by conventional impression technology(control group).A satisfaction survey and VAS value scale was conducted after treatment for 2 weeks.The check and evaluation were conducted according to the adapted USPHS standards after treatment.Results? The patients in the oral scanning group were more satisfied and more comfortable. In the USPHS score of the two groups ......

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