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http://www.100md.com 2021年12月17日 中国美容医学 2021年第11期
     黎淼 白雨豪 秦璐 曾红燕


    [中图分类号]R783.9? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)11-0131-04

    Analysis of the Potential Risk Factors for Impacted Canine-associated Root Resorption

    LI Miao,BAI Yu-hao,QING Lu,ZENG Hong-yan

    (Department of Stomatology, Xuanwu Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100053,China)

    Abstract: Objective? To Linvestigate the risk factors for impacted canine-associated root resorption (ICARR) and to predict ICARR by analyzing the CBCT images and patients information. Methods? Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan images of 106 patients with impacted maxillary canines in Xuanwu Hospital ,Capital Medical University were collected. All cone-beam computed tomography data and the patients information were evaluated in software program by 1 rater.To identify risk factors for ICARR ......

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