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http://www.100md.com 2021年12月17日 中国美容医学 2021年第11期
     史敏 毕芳芳 张明雨 陈炜荧 丁欣强


    [中图分类号]R619+.6? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)11-0179-04

    Advance in Research on Exosomes in Tissue Repair and Anti-scarring Treating

    SHI Min1,BI Fang-fang1,ZHANG Ming-yu1,CHEN Wei-ying1,DING Xin-qiang2

    (1.Xian Peihua University,Xian 710125,Shaanxi,China; 2.Department of Dermatology, Xi'an Children's Hospital,Xian 710003,Shaanxi,China)

    Abstract: It is always the focus of treatment in dermatology and plastic surgery, such as promoting skin wound healing and reducing scar formation. In recent years, it was found that exosomes (EXOs), as a communication tool between cells, participate in paracrine functions, and have been found to play an important role in a variety of pathophysiological processes and disease processes, and have gradually become the field of tumor immunity and research hotspots in the field of regenerative medicine. Exosomes can promote wound healing,inhibit scar formation by inhibiting early inflammation,promoting angiogenesis and cell proliferation, and regulating collagen remodeling ......

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