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http://www.100md.com 2021年1月16日 中国美容医学 2021年第12期
     许 云 程金梅 苗 佳


    [中图分类号]R622+.1? ? [文献标志码]B? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)12-0166-04

    Effect of Symptom Intervention Combined with Spiritual Care on the Recovery Period in Patients with Heterogeneous Acellular Dermal Matrix Combined with MEEK Skin Transplantation for Extensive Burn

    XU Yun,CHENG Jin-mei,MIAO Jia

    (Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery,Huai’an First People’s Hospital,Huai’an 223300,Jiangsu,China)

    Abstract: Objective? To explore the effect of symptomatic intervention combined with spiritual care on the recovery period in patients with extensive burns treated by heterogeneous acellular dermal matrix and MEEK skin transplantation. Methods? From June 2017 to July 2019 ......

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