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http://www.100md.com 2022年3月17日 中国美容医学 2022年第2期
     姜晓铮 曹蒙 王焱



    [中图分类号]R758.73+3? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2022)02-0186-04

    Advanced Progress of Treatment for Post-acne Scars

    JIANG Xiaozheng, CAO Meng, WANG Yan

    (Hospital for Skin Diseases,Institute of Dermatology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking Union Medical College, Nanjing 210042,Jiangsu,China)

    Abstract: Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of follicle sebaceous gland unitsebaceous gland unit that occurs frequently in young people. It is related to increased androgen, abnormal keratosis at the opening of the follicle sebaceous gland, increased sebaceous gland secretion,and infection of Propionibacterium acnes. Facial acne scars often occur after acne has healed. The treatment of acne scars is the most critical part of acne complications. There are various methods for the treatment of acne scars ......

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