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http://www.100md.com 2023年5月30日 中国美容医学 2023年第3期
     吴涵纯 丁慧



    [中图分类号]R758.73+3? ? [文献标志码]B? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2023)03-0113-03

    Abstract: The occurrence of phlegm and blood stasis type acne vulgaris in Guangdong is mainly based on Yang deficiency and Qi stagnation, which interact with phlegm, dampness and blood stasis to form a vicious circle. Therefore, the clinical treatment should pay attention to warm up Yang deficiency and adjust Qi. In this regard, Professor Ding Hui proposed the method of "warming Yang and regulating Qi" to treat phlegm and blood stasis type acne vulgaris. By warming Yang and regulating triple energizer, Yang Qi can be supported, stagnant Qi can be unblocked, phlegm and humidity can be transported, blood stasis can be dispersed, and both symptoms and root causes can be treated.

    Key words: phlegm and blood stasis; acne vulgaris; warming yang to promote diuresis; regulatin triple energizer; clinical experience

    寻常痤疮是一种慢性炎症性皮肤疾病 ......

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